Jeff Sulik's Reviews > The Will to Believe, Human Immortality and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy

The Will to Believe, Human Immortality and Other Essays in Po... by William  James
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U 50x66
's review

it was amazing

I am reading and rereading these essays.
I find myself very drawn to this turn of the century American philosopher/psychologist. I need to think about why I find his thoughts appealing and then I can say more.

Here is a quote from the last paragraph of the first essay, which the collection is titled from:

"If a man chooses to turn his back altogether on God and the future,no one can prevent him; no one can show beyond reasonable doubt that he is mistaken. If a man thinks otherwise and acts as he thinks, I do not see that any one can prove that HE is mistaken. Each must act as he thinks best; and if he is wrong, so much the worse for him."

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November 27, 2012 – Shelved

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message 1: by Mike (new)

Mike Could it be that you're stuck in beginning 20th century values and ideals?

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