Evening Quotes

Quotes tagged as "evening" Showing 31-60 of 119
Eva Ibbotson
“It was a night to dream about: windless, warm and scented, with a streak of gold and amethyst still lingering in the sky.”
Eva Ibbotson, A Countess Below Stairs

Larry McMurtry
“That's one of the only things I look forward to about an evening like this, you know -someone to drink tea with at the end of it. For all I know, the whole point of civilization is to provide one with someone to drink tea with at the end of an evening. Otherwise you have no one with whom to talk over whatever may have happened during the evening. Dinner parties are often more fun to talk about than they are to attend - at least they aren't complete until they've been discussed.”
Larry McMurtry, Terms of Endearment

Iqra Iqbal
“Sunset Room

The evening slowly ambered and the sun got cold yet fervent. There was emptiness sithout any sign of human activity. Room was filled with sun rays relaxing on the sofas, mashing and peeking through the glass window. Everything was depicting the
the absence of life yet illuminating by the warmth.”
Iqra Iqbal

L.M. Montgomery
“In the mornings I always think the mornings are best; but when evening comes I think it's lovelier still”
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables Collection

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Nights can never be real and enjoyable without the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“In the awakening stillness of the morning, I have space to ponder what this day could be. And in the advancing solitude of the evening, I have a similar space to reflect on what it was. And it is within the precious handful of hours precariously held between these two points of time that I will determine how I will close out this day and ponder the next.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“It was evening and the sun was just setting giving an amber tint to the fields making them glow with happiness. She was lost in the marvel. The stream flowing just nearby was making the whole scene appear like a paradise.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, Can I have this chance

Neelam Saxena Chandra
Pierces its claws
Into the flesh of the evening,
It’s time to withdraw,
Wrap up, sleep,
Till morning spreads its warm, shiny shawl
To cover up the dark.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, Splinters of a Broken Mirror

“And morning promises outside adventures; night brings peaceful dreams inside.”
Aron Micko H.B

K.J. Sutton
“The first thing we do on a dark night is look up. Always.”
K.J. Sutton, Restless Slumber

Iqra Iqbal
“Sunset Room

The evening slowly ambered and the sun got cold yet fervent. There was emptiness without any sign of human activity. Room was filled with sun rays relaxing on the sofas, mashing and peeking through the glass window. Everything was depicting the
the absence of life yet illuminating by the warmth.”
iqra iqbal

Ljupka Cvetanova
“The morning is hungrier then the evening.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Banana Yoshimoto
“I walked along, stepping on my shadow, watching it lengthen and shorten with every streetlight I passed.”
Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen

“Hesperus, you herd
homeward whatever
Dawn's light dispersed”

John Cowper Powys
“The evening of this perfect May Day was of a loveliness comparable with the hours that had preceded it. In certain subtle respects it was even more beautiful, just as in certain ways sleep is more beautiful than waking and death than life.”
John Cowper Powys, A Glastonbury Romance

Elizabeth Goudge
“The cathedral towered over it all, benignly great in this quiet weather, the sound of the bells falling gently from the height of the Rollo tower. At evening, when dusk fell, men looked up and saw light shining from the windows of the choir and heard music, for the choristers were practicing for the carol service. Michael seemed dreaming. So many Christmases had gone since he had stood here looking out to the edge of the world, looking down at the city, looking up to heaven. So many Christmas Eves he had stood waiting through hours of snow and storm, of wind and rain or of rapt stillness bright with moon and stars, waiting for the mid-course of the night when he should lift his fist and strike out on the great bell the hour of man's redemption.”
Elizabeth Goudge, The Dean's Watch

Corinne Beenfield
“Out there in the chrysanthemum light, the day was at its best. The sun was setting later and later, leaving behind a strange way of making the time fade away and nearly disappear, as though night truly wouldn’t come.
Helen looked to the side at Stuart. He seemed different in this lighting, both stronger and softer than usual. Like salt, the time of day made everything he was more rich and intense. His eyes met hers and he turned, his full body facing her. With a single step, he was standing closer to her than he ever had before, the space between them nearly as small as the space between heartbeats.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter :

Annie Dillard
“I have seen those faces, when the day is cloudy, and I have seen at sunset on a clear winter day houses, ordinary houses, whose bricks were coals and windows aflame”
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Annie Dillard
“Sounds fell all about me; I vibrated like still water ruffled by wind. Cicadas were out in full force...I had heard them begin at twilight and was struck with the way they actually do "start up," like an out of practice orchestra, creaking and grinding and all out of synch. The frogs added their unlocatable notes, which always seem to me to be so arbitrary and anarchistic, and crickets piped in, calling their own tune which they have been calling since the time of Pliny..”
Annie Dillard

Chiara Kilian
“And, oh! It was a beautiful evening, as heather-purple and gorse-gold as the moorland around them, and the sky above was that stark shade of blue that looked neither dark nor light enough to be true. If it were a painting, a critic might have said that the colours were all wrong. Jack, of course, knew better than that. He had spend many an evening out on the moor. And Meadowsweet – oh how she loved it.”
Chiara Kilian, The First Tale of the Tinners' Rabbits

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The night has so much to offer those who live in their he[art].”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The day comes with a few things to ponder on, but the night rains upon the mind a thousand thoughts.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Tarang Sinha
“इस ढलते सूरज को देख रहे हो?' उसने कहा। 'मैं हमेशा उदास हो जाती हूँ इसे देखकर, ये जानते हुए कि ये सूरज कल लौटेगा, एक नई चमक के साथ। सोचो, कितना मुश्किल होता होगा उसे जाने देना जिसके लौटने की कोई उम्मीद न हो?”
Tarang Sinha

Ryan Gelpke
“It commenced with an eruption, a resounding blast that shattered the tranquility of the evening”
Ryan Gelpke, We Tragic Few

Will Advise
“The dreamer, with love from all his heart,
slow to gather clouds will pick the part,
clouds, to clean the evening sky,
slowly, vexing since away they fly…”
Will Advise, На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

Will Advise
“Almost here with me, you seem to be, you do,
every song, each sound, that’s new, is you,
almost is enough, if just for me you are,
passionate, my blood will boil for you, my star,
of you I think when raindrops pure,
make you seem like sky, or clouds, or sun, or stars; -
the stars, afar from, always shining soft,
each evening, their light is needed, for needs do come oft…”
Will Advise, На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...

Banana Yoshimoto
“My apartment building, and the one where the Tanabes lived were separated by Chuo Park. As I crossed through, I was inundated with the green smell of the night. I walked, sloshing down the shiny wet path that glittered with the colours of the rainbow.”
Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen

Sara Baume
“In the morning, I am generally purposeful. In the evening, I am content to be purposeless. It's in the afternoon, every afternoon I despair.”
Sara Baume, A Line Made By Walking

Elizabeth Bishop
“Now, in the evening,
a new moon comes.
The hills grow softer.”
Elizabeth Bishop, North and South

Stewart Stafford
“Regret Roulette by Stewart Stafford

Evening's breath caressed in,
Across a mind's cracked land,
On raven's wing in twilight air,
A doused flame's colder hand.

Dead-end gallery of exit signs,
Contrition's dog whistle song,
Eye of Horus in a looking glass,
Blindfolds of a corrupted throng.

Feral brunch on a sheepish plate,
The curate's egg fried with shell,
Bellini confession, in vino veritas,
Burnt offerings to show-and-tell.

© Stewart Stafford, 2024. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford