Atheist Quotes
Quotes tagged as "atheist"
Showing 91-120 of 514
“Father was an atheist; he had even joined the Skeleton Army - a club of men who went about in masks or black faces, with ribald placards and a brass band, to make war upon the Salvation Army.”
― Dusky Ruth and Other Stories
― Dusky Ruth and Other Stories
“Some religious ideas may be on the decline, but not, I would say, human exceptionalism. Fewer people might believe in God than they used to, yet, although veganism is on the rise, most of us are still perfectly happy with the fact that we kill and eat huge amounts of animals when we don’t really need to. Most of us don’t bother with questioning this much. But I assume, if asked why we all think it’s OK to kill animals and not humans for meat, most would agree that humans are more important, more sacred, more valuable, more entitled to life than animals. There is secular backing for this idea – we have culture and language, and animals don’t (not true, they just have different culture and language) – but at heart it’s a hangover from religion. It’s a hangover from the notion that God made us in His image, and thus we sit at the top of the tree of life.”
― The God Desire
― The God Desire
“Martin Amis once said, of death, that ‘after forty, it’s a full-time job looking the other way’. I sometimes wonder if, at any adult age, it’s also a full-time job – although a less conscious one – looking the “other way’. I sometimes wonder if, at any adult age, it’s also a full-time job – although a less conscious one – looking the other way from the killing of animals. I consider most statements on the internet and elsewhere of people claiming to be on the right side of history as always specious, but if you are foolishly going to try and imagine the moral order of the “future, the one thing I’d be happy to put a small bet on is that in three hundred years’ time people will see our industrial slaughter of animals as a type of genocide.”
― The God Desire
― The God Desire
“Because another thing we look away from, in the killing of animals, is just how much they are like us. One of the things the internet has done is circulate, on a vast scale, short films of animals being cute. A lot of the time this means: being like us. I watched, once, some YouTube footage of a pig who had been raised by a specific human and allowed to grow old. In the clip the pig sees this human again after several years of separation and rushes over to the edge of the pigsty, braying and trying to leap the fence with what seemed to my eyes like joy: like the joy of recognition – indeed, of love. If you post links to such films approvingly, cynics – men (always men) born with the knowledge that they know best – will tell you, with lordly condescension, that you are anthropomorphising. By which they mean projecting human emotions and responses onto animals. When they say this, they tend not “to consider the possibility that if this were not anthropomorphism – if the pig just, as the film clearly suggests, had empathy and memory and other-directedness, if it was really overjoyed to see the person who reared it again years later, if it was capable of love – if the pig were showing the big emotions which we humans think make us special, then complacently slaughtering and eating pigs might become a bit problematic.”
― The God Desire
― The God Desire
“But also, the cynic may have to accept something else. That he, as a human, is not exceptional. He might have to accept that perhaps, when you look at how animals, certainly mammals, behave – how they have sex with their genitals, and shit from their anuses, and eat with their mouths – and how they appear, with their noses and ears and eyes and feet and hands/paws – that we are just one branch of multiple DNA outcomes. And accepting that – properly, viscerally accepting it – may not just throw a spanner in the works of complacently eating hot dogs. It also must mean that there is no God. Not least because clearly, coming back to the fact of that ongoing genocide, God does not care about the animals.”
― The God Desire
― The God Desire
“We don't need to believe in a grand design to be good people, but we do need to be good people to create a grand design.”
― Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One
― Iman Insaniyat, Mazhab Muhabbat: Pani, Agua, Water, It's All One
“Infidelity is the first sign of religion, Disbelief is the sign of practical divinity.”
― Yarasistan: My Wounds, My Crown
― Yarasistan: My Wounds, My Crown
“You will probably never fully understand God with your mind, but through your heart, you can glimpse Him partially.”
“Atheist, n. A person to be pitied in that he is unable to believe in things for which there is no evidence, and who has thus deprived himself of a convenient means of feeling superior to others.”
― The American Heretic's Dictionary
― The American Heretic's Dictionary
“Jehovah, Krishna or Avengers,
Your belief counts for nothing.
Higher than myths, both old and new,
It's behavior that makes the being.”
― Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn
Your belief counts for nothing.
Higher than myths, both old and new,
It's behavior that makes the being.”
― Yaralardan Yangın Doğar: Explorers of Night are Emperors of Dawn
“The worst thing you can do to yourself is to be an atheist or a believer who does not believe in a perfect, merciful, just God.”
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
“Every atheist in the debate about God commits the strawman fallacy.”
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
“Atheism is the assumption that all people imagine and assume wrongly, only atheists (who certainly assume) speak correctly.”
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
― A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality
“Till we end militant atheism, there is no Humanism.”
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets
― Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets
“Every life is a tragedy that ends in death and grief. The tragic inevitability of death makes everything meaningless. Religion seeks meaning where there is none. God is a coping mechanism, a placebo for the grief-stricken.”
― Atheism Memes: 40 Reasons Why I'm An Atheist
― Atheism Memes: 40 Reasons Why I'm An Atheist
“Atheism is not a religion, just like not skiing is not a sport.”
― Atheism Memes: 40 Reasons Why I'm An Atheist
― Atheism Memes: 40 Reasons Why I'm An Atheist
“The God-shaped void set in every heart rests in a perfectly preserved state in a place called the atheist.”
“Så tala inte om de idiotiska tecken man klamrar sig fast vid när man förlorat alla anledningar att tro på Gud.”
― All Those Things We Never Said
― All Those Things We Never Said
“One’s life choices are nobody else’s problem, they only become a problem when one tries to force them on others.”
“The believer is not to turn atheist, the atheist is not to turn a believer. Earth is a big place with room for all, if only we could make our heart a bit wider!”
― The Humanitarian Dictator
― The Humanitarian Dictator
“I want to believe that if I pray hard enough for strength, protection, and the lives of my parents, that God will hear me and make it so. But I don't think it works that way. God doesn't choose who gets to live and who has to die. And if he does, he's a God I don't think I want to know.”
― You Don't Know My Name
― You Don't Know My Name
“If I Wrote God (Sonnet)
If I wrote God, they'd would be
kind and gentle, not vengeful and jealous.
Freedom of choice would be first commandment,
preventing wrongs they'd stand righteous.
They'd refuse to entertain suffering,
their grand design would epitomize equality.
Sure, their world would still have problems,
but it would be spared from ungodly atrocity.
Law of Nature is its lack of meaning,
as well as its lack of morality.
We needed an image to bear the blame,
and be the imaginary steward of our destiny.
True godliness lies in behavior, not belief.
Hand of God unfolds when human takes the steed.”
― Neurosonnets: The Naskar Art of Neuroscience
If I wrote God, they'd would be
kind and gentle, not vengeful and jealous.
Freedom of choice would be first commandment,
preventing wrongs they'd stand righteous.
They'd refuse to entertain suffering,
their grand design would epitomize equality.
Sure, their world would still have problems,
but it would be spared from ungodly atrocity.
Law of Nature is its lack of meaning,
as well as its lack of morality.
We needed an image to bear the blame,
and be the imaginary steward of our destiny.
True godliness lies in behavior, not belief.
Hand of God unfolds when human takes the steed.”
― Neurosonnets: The Naskar Art of Neuroscience
“Law of Nature is its lack of meaning,
as well as its lack of morality.
We needed an image to bear the blame,
and be the imaginary steward of our destiny.”
― Neurosonnets: The Naskar Art of Neuroscience
as well as its lack of morality.
We needed an image to bear the blame,
and be the imaginary steward of our destiny.”
― Neurosonnets: The Naskar Art of Neuroscience
“My truth is love, not belief or disbelief.”
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim
― Little Planet on The Prairie: Dunya Benim, Sorumluluk Benim
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