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A fast paced best seller from Sandra Brown

416 pages, Paperback

First published August 18, 2015

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About the author

Sandra Brown

332 books18.6k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Sandra Brown is the author of more than sixty New York Times bestsellers, including STING (2016), FRICTION (2015), MEAN STREAK (2014), DEADLINE(2013), & LOW PRESSURE (2012), LETHAL (2011).

Brown began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published over seventy novels, bringing the number of copies of her books in print worldwide to upwards of eighty million. Her work has been translated into over thirty languages.

In 2009 Brown detoured from romantic suspense to write, Rainwater, a much acclaimed, powerfully moving historical fiction story about honor and sacrifice during the Great Depression.

Brown was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. She was named Thriller Master for 2008, the top award given by the International Thriller Writer’s Association. Other awards and commendations include the 2007 Texas Medal of Arts Award for Literature and the Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,236 reviews
Profile Image for Mo.
1,395 reviews2 followers
September 1, 2015
A Texas Ranger, relegated to deskwork due to past recklessness, petitions to regain custody of his five-year-old daughter, and his case is assigned to a family court judge who is as attractive as she is ambitious. When a masked gunman barges in during the custody hearing with his sights on the judge, the Ranger reacts instinctually and goes after him. But authorities apprehend the wrong man, and the real gunman remains unknown, at large, and a threat. Will this take-charge lawman jeopardize his chances of custody by going after the would-be assassin? And will this unlikely pair be able to deny the forbidden attraction building between them?

First off, I want to thank Alexandra ... Alleskelle, for requesting an ARC for me through her Blog: http://alleskelle.com

Merci beaucoup, Madame, it was much appreciated.

OK, I loved it. Fecking loved it.

I am not going to do any quotes as I don't want to give anything away.

Sex, who needs sex when it comes to SB. Just the build up of that whole sexual tension and when the moment arrives. Swoon!!! Seriously, she is magic.

There is a bit of a twist in the end and you sort of roll your eyes and think, OMG, are you serious? But it's SB so I don't really give a shite... I love her.

And there was another bit at the end that I wished hadn't happened, but it did. OK, she maybe keeps it real. Still, I was sad.

Check out SB's Pinterest page for Friction.


And her Youtube link for Friction...


I would have loved an epilogue a year or two down the line.

Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,963 followers
August 21, 2015
Meh! I skimmed a lot...

ARC provided by Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
985 reviews140 followers
September 7, 2015

If you are a Sandra Brown fan like me then I am sure you were frantically waiting FRICTION’s publication day to arrive. The day came but I held off a bit and then finally Karen and I got down to our BR.

FRICTION was pretty fantastic. It had all the goodness that I have come to love and expect in a SB novel. There was no delay in creating intrigue, the Prologue did just that. There was no delay in creating a certain level of mystery and suspense; the first two chapters did that. And there was no delay in creating that sexual tension; by the end of chapter 5 it had begun.

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It was a big day for Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt. He had arrived at the Prentiss County Courthouse with the hope of finally getting his daughter Georgia back in his life full time. But what ensues shortly after the beginning of his hearing changes the course for him and Judge Holly Spencer.

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Crawford ~ was unrefined. Life of a Texas Ranger was tough. But life had never been easy for him. When he had finally had a life that he wanted it wasn't long before things began to unravel and he had lost just about everything. But he was determined to regain a piece of that life, the one thing that was most precious to him – Georgia. He would have to face Judge Holly Spencer though. She was the person that was standing between him and his daughter.

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Holly~ was refined. Yes, the exact opposite of Crawford. Her life was about following the rules, telling the truth and doing what was right. Things were either black or white. But that morning she was hearing Crawford’s case, the morning that would change her life; she quickly realized that there was so much grey in life. People and things are not always what they seem to be. Normally it wasn’t in her character to cross the line when it came to the law but Crawford was that little angel and devil sitting on her shoulder. He evoked a sense of desire in her that she was quickly losing her control over.

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I’m not going to say much about the plot because the best way to experience a Sandra Brown novel is to go into it blind. I did read one review and then skimmed a couple. I was so anxious to get to this book I couldn’t resist. :) But be assured, you will get the classic SB fantastic side characters, the “oh so worth every minute” sexual tension and a plot that will keep you engaged from page one to the very last page.

There is a little cutie in this one that I adored. Her name is Georgia. In some ways she was at the heart of the story. I loved Crawford when he was with her. For me she provided for that softness in him that made me enjoy his character even more.

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I really wanted to give this one a 5 star rating but I just couldn’t. And normally I don’t get all that picky about things but after reaching just about the 60% mark I started to shave off a little bit here and there. I’ll explain in a spoiler tag but know this isn’t a spoiler to the story. . Sandra Brown will continue to be my absolute FAVORITE author when it comes to Romantic Suspense. She ROCKS!

Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,217 followers
August 19, 2015
You know that author that you can’t wait for their next book to arrive???
Well, Sandra Brown is one of those for me. I have been reading her books since the late 80’s and to be honest, my favorites are actually her earlier novels such as French Silk, Slow Heat in Even, etc. It’s actually remarkable that she has written over 77 books during her career.

Okay, so let’s talk about her latest book, Friction.

Romantic, suspenseful mystery thriller….whatever label you place on it….just know that it’s going to be a very gripping, keep on the edge of your seat page turner race towards a climatic ending.

Well written plot about loss, custody battles, betrayals, secrets, lies, conspiracies, corrupt cops and shady lawyers, revenge…..a lot happens in this story. It also has some unforgettable characters…..

Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt, strong, stubborn, vulnerable, sexy and devoted to the daughter he’s trying to get custody of from his in-laws, after his wife’s death.

Judge Holly Spencer, presiding over Crawford’s custody battle, is a hard-working, dedicated and smart woman.

Georgia Hunt, Crawford’s 5 year old daughter, who is the most adorable kid ever. Totally endearing. She’s the perfect balance in his life.

Conrad Hunt, Crawford’s father. Sins of our Fathers certainly fit this man. He was one of the characters that really didn’t get many pages, but those he did..were really poignant, especially the last scene with his son, Crawford.

The chemistry and sexual tension between Crawford and Holly is pretty hot and just keeps growing hotter as the story progresses…which by the way, takes place over 6 or so days.

If there’s one thing that I can quibble about, it’s how some of the secondary characters were portrayed…at times I found it a bit of a cliché….the OTT cop in charge of the investigation is the one that stood out the most for me. He’s actions were a bit unbelievable for me.

I was totally engrossed in this book throughout every page!!!!

If you a fan of this author, this is one of her books that should not be missed.
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,439 reviews167 followers
September 9, 2015
Written August 29, 2015

4.4 Stars - As always a simply GREAT suspense filled m/f romance from the master writer in this genre

Sandra Brown's latest and I choosed the audiobook edition. — 11:39 hrs narrated by Stephen Lang. I'd high expectations.

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This will be short and sweet..
I love this kind of audiobooks read for me by male narrators. Always exciting thrilling and filled with interesting characters. Romantic and steamy enough and I get some really nasty baddies to hate. Best of all, always so very well done and narrated. Simple addictiv good.


A father want his little motherless daughter back.
Georgia's new pink nice girl-room is ready and he will do anything. ANYTHING!

Crawford Hunt is a Texas Ranger (police) with a pretty wild past but this time the beautiful young female Judge Holly Spencer has all the power in her hands. She will decide if he is a good enough father to take care of his young cutie daughter living with her grandparents. Then, this so very important day, there is a terrible murder in the middle of the courtroom. Judge Holly is threatened and the brave Texas Ranger Crawford is the big hero. Or?


I'm just as happy and satisfied every time I'm audiobook listening to one of SB's. This newly published Friction maybe isn't her very top #1 best one but still a high quality novel. Recommended!

I LIKE - once again ...'course I do

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Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,151 reviews902 followers
January 3, 2016
While I’m relatively new to Sandra Brown’s writing, she has fast become one of my all-time favorite romantic suspense/mystery writers! I’ve quickly gobbled up several of her stories after reading and LOVING Mean Streak last year, and I’ve discovered she’s is a pro at reeling you into a story and keeping you hooked until the very last page. Friction was no exception; the story was exciting, hot, and captivating!

Crawford Hunt is battling his in-laws for custody of his five-year old daughter, Georgia. As a Texas Ranger he’s been in dangerous situations that have required rapid-fire judgment, and Crawford is able to rush in a take charge. Now his father-in-law, Joe, is using this quality to call into question his ability to care for his daughter, accusing him of being too reckless to raise a child. During the custody hearing a masked man barges in and shoots the place up, leaving Judge Holly Spencer shaken to the core. Crawford’s quick action limits the lethal damage, but still she barely escaped with her life. The investigation thrusts Holly and Crawford into an uneasy partnership, and side by side they work on finding the culprit before he strikes again.

Any relationship or dealings between Holly and Crawford are pretty bad idea seeing as Holly is presiding over his custody case, but the intense circumstances overrule logical thinking, and their magnetic attraction takes over every time they’re together. I loved every stolen lusty kiss, every desperate, hot encounter they shared, all the while trying to keep one step ahead of the killer!

He slid his fingers up into her hair until his hands were closed around her head, then he tilted it and brushed his mouth across hers. “A word of caution, judge. Don’t show up at my back door looking like you do unless you want to get manhandled.”

I wouldn’t mind a little manhandling, Crawford!

Not only was Crawford one hot-sexy-take-charge-kind-of-guy, he could melt your heart of the love and devotion he had for his daughter, Georgia! It’s a joy to have a strong female MC and Holly was exactly that: intelligent, accomplished, and compassionate. She had no problem standing up for herself and Crawford when needed, and I enjoyed her quick, smart thinking.

With all that going on, there wasn’t much time to fret over relationship angst or wonder whether the couple will be able to overcome the obstacles keeping them apart. Holly and Crawford had more than a few, but I was never worried that it wouldn’t all fall into place. This is a romance with Sandra Brown at the helm, after all, and she hasn’t steered my wrong so far!

was a thrilling, fast paced read, and as a reader I was trying to solve the mystery right along with the characters, nervous with tension over what would happen next. I enjoyed every surprise and twist!

A copy was kindly provided by Grand Central for an honest review.

Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,274 reviews1,560 followers
August 26, 2015
High on the suspense, high on sexual tension, low on romance...

Everyone was really hard and intense in this new SB book. Crawford, the Texas Ranger, who is constantly beat down, in the wrong place, wrong time, meeting the wrong people, getting into trouble that he never started...his story was exhausting and I spent the entirety of the book just wanting something to go right for this man. He didn't show much emotion other than anger, and it kind of kept me from falling for him as much as I usually do with Brown's heroes. Considering that his existence during the course of events that take place is centered around getting custody of his young daughter, I expected more softness, I guess. More circumspection, more thought before acting.

Holly is a judge...a job in which softness isn't really an option. The fact that she is presiding over Crawford's custody case makes their relationship a little eyebrow raising to begin with, but the way Crawford throws caution to the wind with regards to Holly was kind of a downer for me. He's awfully pushy/stalkerish in that respect.

Even so, the suspense is top-notch. Intense without being overly dramatic. The build up to the romantic relationship is long and perfection. I would have liked some kind of epilogue, or maybe some more time with Crawford's daughter, showing his Daddy side.

Advance copy provided for review
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,839 reviews6,694 followers
September 16, 2015
I like Sandra Brown. Mean Streak was the first book of hers I ever read and I found it so engaging I went on to read some of her earlier work. None of her other novels compared to it in my opinion...well until now. Friction is her best yet! It's so fast paced - it's everything a real thriller should be. It's suspenseful, mysterious, political, sweet, and sexy as hell. The characters are well developed and complex enough to keep it interesting. I loved it! Check it out!

My favorite quote:
"I happen to be an expert on disappointing people and I can tell you from experience that the more you worry about doing it the more you do it. Fear of failing someone becomes self-fulfilling."
Profile Image for Suz.
1,452 reviews769 followers
February 1, 2019
Excellent beach read, Crawford and Holly have some major chemistry fighting the bad guys. Sandra Brown's books always have the sultry, brooding and attractive protagonists, with the good girl falling hard and fast. Another format of books I love to read, especially on summer holidays. Light and easy. Recommended.
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,998 reviews863 followers
October 13, 2015
DNF! I read 230 pages of the book and found myself just disliking the story and the character more and more. I especially didn't like Crawford Hunt the main asshole, eh I mean the main character. Personally I found him to be unstable, violent and extremely jealous and possessive but apparently judge Holly likes that. I don't. 
But enough is enough, now I will find something better to read...

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!>
Profile Image for Sue.
1,390 reviews5 followers
September 17, 2015
“Friction” by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown delivers us another romantic, suspenseful mystery thriller that is sure to please a wide audience. What makes her novels special are the unforgettable characters that make Sandra Brown is able to bring to life, because they deal with real-life issues.

Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt is trying to regain custody of his five-year old daughter Georgia from his in-laws. Four years ago when his wife died, Crawford's life fell apart. Now with his life back in order, he has to appear in court for a custody battle before family court Judge Holly Spenser to prove that he should regain custody of his daughter. This is the story of unconditional love between a father for his daughter.

Crawford’s 5 year old daughter, Georgia is a sweet little girl. Who I just wanted to hug. She is his reason for living.

But right before Holly is going to deliver her decision in court regarding custody, a masked gunman, dressed all in white, a painter, bursts into the courtroom and starts shooting rapidly. The bailiff Chet Barker is shoot dead. Crawford’s training kicks into action and saves Holly's life.

But who was the intended target…Judge Holly Spencer or Crawford? And Why?

In the short time that follows there is rising sexual tension between Holly and Crawford. Crawford finds himself really caring about this woman.

Another great novel by Sandra Brown. Friction is full of intrigue that will keep you guessing. There are unexpected secrets revealed and family reconciliation. I enjoyed this novel, and was drawn instantly to her unforgettable characters.

ARC provided by Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.2k followers
July 13, 2016
“Do you remember it like I do?”

An incredibly sexy and action-packed thriller that had me hooked from the prologue.

This is the fourth Sandra Brown book that I’ve read in a little over a month and while I’ve honestly loved each one, Mean Streak is at the top of my list. Friction is a very, very close second though. There is something about Sandra Brown’s writing that gets me every time - the unexpected plot twists, the undeniable spark between her characters and an ending that typically puts a spin on everything that I held true, makes for a great read.

My favorite part of Friction was definitely Crawford Hunt. He’s brash, impulsive and unapologetic about most things, but he’s so fiercely protective of the women in his life, which I have to say, I found sexy as hell.

Guilt and bad decisions have clouded Texas Ranger Hunt’s life since the death of his wife, years prior. Now, he wants nothing more than to be little Georgia’s daddy again, but his in-laws are standing in the way. Seeing this big, tough Ranger melt at the sight of the five-year-old little girl was so sweet.

Judge Holly Spencer is just about to hand down her decision regarding the custody of little Georgia, when all hell breaks loose in the courtroom. A gunman opens fire and changes the course of everything for both Holly and Crawford. Was the killer after the Ranger or the judge? Is it ethical for them to be working together so closely to figure out the truth?

Explosive is the best way to describe Holly and Crawford when they're together, from their first interaction to the last few lines of the book. When I wasn’t reading about them together, I wanted to be. I was frantic to get to the scenes they shared, especially after what happened when he showed up at her house the first time. Totally unexpected and just, wow! Made the story that much more interesting.

If you love suspense and romance as much as I do, pick up a Sandra Brown book. You won’t regret it.
Profile Image for ❤️ Dorsey aka Wrath Lover Reviews ❤️.
1,017 reviews314 followers
August 26, 2015
5 Stars!! Another fantastic and riveting Sandra Brown Read!!

Crawford Hunt is Texas Ranger and has gone to court to fight his former in-laws for custody of his five year old daughter Georgia whom he voluntarily surrendered custody of due to the sudden death of his wife, the guilt he felt, and other events due to his job as a Texas Ranger that, at the time had him not fit nor in the right frame of mind to raise Georgia. He made some mistakes following the death of his wife four years earlier, but he is back on track and desperately wants his little girl back. However; his father-in-law hates Crawford and is willing to do whatever necessary to ensure Crawford doesn't regain custody of his daughter.

However, before Judge Holly Spencer can render her decision, a masked gunman bursts into the courtroom and starts firing. While Holly is saved by Crawford, she is also dragged into his custody battle and his life. There is a much larger conspiracy at play while trying to determine if Crawford or Holly was the intended target of the masked gunman who incidentally escaped and is still at large after the shooting.

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Judge Holly Spencer wants to stay on the bench, but she isn't willing to destroy Crawford's career to do so and she's also trying to fight her overwhelming attraction to a man that should be off limits....but Crawford is hard to deny.

“A word of caution, Judge. Don't show up at my back door looking like you do unless you want to get manhandled”.

Meanwhile Crawford and Holly have to deal with the lead Detective who is attempting to tie Crawford into the courtroom shooting, he has a history with Crawford and is not his biggest fan, because of his animosity towards Crawford he ignores evidence leading in other directions so it's up to Crawford to figure out what is going on.

Sandra Brown writes a fantastic Romantic/Suspense with just enough action that will keep you on the edge of your seat. As usual with Sandra Brown there are unexpected twists and turns. The sexual tension and coupling between Crawford and Holly is smoldering and explosive....not too, too explicit but very sensual and hot as hell all the same!! Sandra Brown never fails to deliver!!!
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews472 followers
August 21, 2015
3 stars

I've only read a few SB books and this was ok. As you would expect from SB it had some good twists and suspense. The romance in me would have liked a tad more sexy time build up to the romance but I guess that's just her style.

I found some parts too much talking and I got a bit bored. It was a good enough read to keep me interested to the end. Overall I kinda liked it but Lethal still tops my SB list.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,194 followers
September 6, 2015
Loved it! Review to come... only thing it lacked...
Profile Image for Helga.
1,251 reviews350 followers
August 26, 2017
Repetitive and boring. I have read many Sandra Brown books. I liked some of them, but recently i realized that i am reading about the same characters in different stories. The same successful female, the same rude and hunky male. There is some misunderstanding between them, the male is angry at the female. He is way too rude and obnoxious. She is nice and weak. While they are having an important conversation about an important matter like murder, he is thinking about her breasts etc.
They have sex . :|
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,937 reviews580 followers
August 29, 2015
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.

I liked this book quite a bit. As a long time fan of Sandra Brown, I am always excited anytime a new book is released. I can't think of another writer of romantic suspense that can even compare to Sandra Brown. This book really grabbed a hold of me from the very beginning and I could not wait to see how everything would come together in the end. This wasn't my favorite Sandra Brown novel but it is a very entertaining and solid story.

Crawford Hunt is in court in an attempt to regain custody of his daughter when the unthinkable happens...a gunman enters the courtroom and opens fire. Crawford immediately jumps into action protecting the judge and chasing the suspect. He soon finds himself in the middle of an investigation where every one of his actions is met with suspicion and criticism.

Holly is the judge that was hearing Crawford's case when the gunman entered the courtroom. She is grateful to Crawford for protecting her during the ordeal. Holly is in middle of a campaign in the hopes of holding onto her position as judge. She knows that she should stay away from Crawford but keeps finding herself being pulled to him and the search for the gunman.

As I have come to expect in a Sandra Brown novel, this book was fast paced with a lot of action. The book opens with a bang and the excitement only increased from there. I thought the second half of the book was very strong and the ending was wonderfully executed. The characters in this book were colorful and interesting, with a couple of individuals that meant to be hated. I didn't really feel the chemistry between Crawford and Holly at first but by the end of the story I was won over.

I really had some trouble understanding why everyone in this story had so many issues with Crawford's actions. Yes, he chased the gunman to the roof of the building. What was he supposed to do? Let him get away? It seemed like he couldn't do anything right. If he hadn't chased the gunman, he would have been criticized for that decision. I just don't like the parts of the book that focused on tearing his actions apart.

I did like Holly and Crawford together by the end of the book but this was a couple that I had some trouble with at the beginning. Holly was very focused on maintaining her ethical code so I find it a bit of a jump that she would get involved with Crawford in the first place. I really didn't feel that much chemistry between the pair in the beginning of the story either.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of romantic suspense. Sandra Brown is an author that is not to be missed and I cannot wait to read more of her work.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.

Initial Thoughts
This wasn't my favorite Sandra Brown novel but still an enjoyable read. I ended up liking the second half of the book a lot more than the first.
Profile Image for Jae.
693 reviews176 followers
November 3, 2019
2019- I did an SB re-read again. Totally without regrets. Worth my time.

I absolutely loved.

Gawd! One twist right after another right until the end. Such a crazy roller coaster ride.

I loved Holly/Crawford's banters. Even though the time frame of the whole story was only within 5/6 days, their attraction/romance was believable. I especially loved when he talks dirty to her.
Profile Image for Piper.
319 reviews87 followers
September 1, 2015
Friction was the second Sandra Brown book that I have read, and I must say that it was most enjoyable!!


Texas Ranger, Crawford Hunt, was focused on one thing- regaining custody of Georgia, his five year old daughter. He had some major road blocks to tackle that he had not expected along the way, but he never lost sight of his goal.


Georgia loved everything pink, but she loved her daddy even more. I fell so in love with this adorable, sweet, trusting little girl.

Judge Holly Spencer presided over Crawford's case. Will she rule in favor of the Ranger, who's past behavior is questionable for a parent of a young child?

This is a story encompassing profound need, vindictiveness, misunderstanding, jealousy, desire, discovery, trust, and so much more. It has good character development- invoking feelings of love, hate and sympathy. It had me guessing throughout the book and threw in a few twists I was not expecting. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys romance and suspense.

Profile Image for Heather.
142 reviews26 followers
September 15, 2015
The ups, the downs. The highs, the lows. What was missing with this book? Was I missing something? All over the place for me. Not worth the time. I was so looking forward to the next Sb.
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
3,077 reviews435 followers
August 25, 2017
Top 50 Books of 2015. "Best Romantic Suspense of 2015."

Sandra Brown returns after Mean Streak, with her latest, FRICTION —a sizzling, and intense romantic suspense conspiracy thriller, featuring a sexy tough Texas Ranger, a beautiful driven Judge, and an innocent five year-old- girl, and some evil people threatening all their lives and futures.

Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt’s wife died the previous year. He has been through some tough times, grief stricken, and has gone a little crazy over the last year. He agreed to allow his former wife’s parents custody, in order to raise his five year old daughter, Georgia until he could get back on his feet and deal with the grief.

However, now he has had time to get his act together, and wants nothing more than to regain custody of his much loved daughter. He has waited patiently for this day, as the short visits with his daughter are not enough. His heart breaks each time he leaves her and she loves her daddy. He wants her full time in his own home. He has even hired a designer to prepare his daughter’s room in her favorite color pink, which cost him a fortune, as he prepares to get his daughter back, where she belongs.

The day has finally arrived and he meets his attorney– the custody hearing. Tensions are high and he prepares himself for objections. He decides he will leave his gun at home, as needs to present himself, as a changed man, a good father. After all he has to deal with his father in law, Joe, a former cop, which is his worst enemy. He never has liked him.

In the middle of the hearing, prior to the judge’s final decision, a masked gunman breaks into the courtroom, and begins shooting. Quick to react, Crawford comes to Judge Holly Spencer’s side and saves her life. However, some are not so lucky, killing a bailiff. Immediately, Crawford grabs the bailiff’s gun and goes after the gunman. He is led to the rooftop for a show down.

What comes next is a series of events making Crawford look guilty. Was this the real killer? Who was the gunman? Who was he after? Motive? Holly or Crawford, or someone else?

A sniper kills the gunman, and first it appears Crawford is a hero, until it comes clear to Crawford, he has been set up. In the meantime, Joe is using this impulsive behavior against him, making him look bad. Sgt. Neal Lester, a detective seems to be working against him. With restraining orders, so he is not able to see his daughter, and fear for his life, Holly’s and Georgia’s-- Crawford’s life is spinning out of control. He cannot lose his daughter. He is desperate to solve this case, in order to get his life back.

In the meantime, Holly and Crawford develop an intense sexual attraction. Her running opponent will be watching her every move, while everyone else is watching Crawford. She has recused herself from the case; however, until they know the identity of the real shooter, no one is safe. Crawford and Holly have to steal away for time together, to try and put the pieces of the mystery together.

As always, Sandra never disappoints. The suspense and intensity are smoking hot, with passion, danger, and crime, at a breakneck speed--making for an engrossing riveting non-stop action page-turner. A mix of legal, crime, mystery, courtroom drama, cop procedural, romantic suspense, and thriller – you will root for rough and tough Crawford and a father’s special love for his little girl.

Typical of Brown’s complex multi-layered writing, (one of my favorite authors), expect twists, secrets, turns, and some surprises at the end-- you do not see coming.

If you loved FRICTION, recommend Adam Mitzner’s Losing Faith. An attorney, a judge, a conspiracy, and an affair!

A special thank you to Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,924 reviews542 followers
August 20, 2015

Friction starts off with a bang -- literally! With her special brand of storytelling, Sandra Brown spins a tale around a custody battle and a forbidden attraction that turns into a dangerous and ugly conspiracy game. She's been an auto-buy author for this reader for more than 25 years, even when I felt her game slipped a bit. No question here that she's back in full force with her A-game.

The book blurb will have to suffice because you won't find me detailing the storyline with a risk of ruining this thrilling ride for others with a slip up. Each reader needs to experience first-hand Brown's special brand of talent for keeping you on the edge of your seat.

The main characters, Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt and Judge Holly Spencer, are extremely enticing, tempting and alluring. They both stand strong on their own; but together, they are a force to be reckoned with. I found myself drawn in by both and now consider them among my favorites of Brown's characters to date.

This author always seems to find just the right moment to spring an unexpected revelation that shocks and surprises her readers when they least expect it. She certainly didn’t fail this time around either, and I was certainly taken in by this one.

Another wonderfully written and well-plotted romantic suspense with a strong emphasis on the thrill of the chase, compelling characters that are marvelously drawn, and a combustive chemistry between them that builds into one hot and deeply meaningful coupling, all lead to a powerful and hair-raising finale.

The only bad thing about an addiction to Sandra Brown’s books is that you know it will be quite some time before you’ll experience this same high again. Hopefully, not too long!

Profile Image for "Avonna.
1,381 reviews552 followers
November 12, 2015
Friction is the new Romantic Suspense from Sandra Brown and like almost every other book by this author it has a fast paced plot with characters that are true to life with all the strengths and flaws in real people. Ms. Brown can a take simple premise like greed and turn it into a twisted and tangled web that keeps you guessing. The romance was hot with Holly and Crawford fighting for justice in different ways while trying to keep their feelings in check. Not going to happen.

I want to thank Goodreads and Grand Central Publishing for putting this book up for a contest which I won. It was great and everything I expect from a Sandra Brown book.
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,663 reviews627 followers
August 21, 2018
I hate it when I go against the GR review train, but I have to in this case.

Let me preface by saying I like Sandra Brown’s suspense/thriller. Her heroes are sufficiently hunky, gruff and alpha, her heroines aren’t idiots, and she keeps a tight story together.

Hero is pretty good. He’s a Texas Ranger and a tough guy. Heroine is like watching paint dry or grass grow. They go on a chase, and she’s calm and rational. They have to go to strip joint, and she’s rational and calm. ZZZzzzzz

But what really made me hate dislike this is what I perceive to be SB’s fast and loose play with the law.

The hero is in court trying to get custody of his 5 yo daughter back. He went off the rails when his wife died, and gave custody to his wife’s parents. He has his act together now and wants Georgia. At court, a shooter comes in, shoots the officer, and tries to shoot the female judge presiding over his hearing.

The alpha Texas Ranger hero jumps into action. The shooter ends up dead and fallout ensues.

Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews465 followers
February 5, 2017
If you love RS, you cannot not love Sandra Brown's book!

Her stories are always complicated, fast paced and engaging, peppered with some hot moments!

I was reaaly desperate for the poor hero to have a good moment, because page after page everything bad that could happened to him actually happened! I wanted for him to have at least something that goes right!

I appreciated that the heroine didn't dismiss him, even if everything pointed to him being guilty!

At the beginning she was cold and, seemingly unfeeling, but, ont he other hand, the hero too was kind of jerk, so it was OK!

But as the story progressed we get to see the whys of both their behaviours!

A wonderful, intricated story!
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,959 reviews603 followers
January 31, 2018

This was a great book from beginning to end. Classic Sandra Brown!

I'm a huge fan of SB. All her novels are awesome. They have great suspense with great romance too. Friction is not any different.

Friction begins when Texas Ranger Crawford Hunt is attending the custody hearing for his daughter Georgia. Crawford made many mistakes but now he's ready to regain custody of Georgia. Just when he's about to hear the verdict from Judge Holly Spencer, a masked gunman shows up in the courtroom and starts firing. Crawford goes into Texas Ranger mode and protects the judge.

Holly Spencer is in a full campaign trying to make her judge seat a permanent one. Her contender is annoying and a bully and she knows she will do a better job than him. Holly lives in a black and white world. She's a rule follower. She follows the law and she wants everyone to do the same. Meeting Crawford will change her mind.

As with other books by Sandra Brown, Friction is action-packed and there was a sense of urgency. Urgency to get to the bottom of who was behind the shooting and trying to stop him/her before more people get hurt. I was turning the pages like crazy because I needed to know. I love when I'm so taken by a book that nothing else matters. Sandra Brown always achieves this with me.

The only drawback was the lack of Epilogue.

Cliffhanger: No

5/5 Fangs

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for CC.
1,777 reviews236 followers
February 22, 2016
Listened via audio

Unpopular opinion alert!!!!

I just did not like this book. I found myself unsatisfied by just about everything.

I felt no romance or love between the MCs. Heck

The hero was ok, but he was focused on the mystery and getting laid.

The heroine was focused on keeping the hero on the down low and covering her ass/career.

The little girl was cute but she was not a part of the H/h romance so almost all opportunity lost for cute scenes and bonding.

To me this was a suspense book where the MCs slept together. Not a romance.

I hated the end.

Enough said.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,236 reviews

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