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Boomerang #1


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Mia Galliano is an aspiring filmmaker. Ethan Vance has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re sharp, hungry for success, and they share a secret.
Last night, Ethan and Mia met at a bar, and, well . . . one thing led to another, which led to them waking up the next morning—together. Things turned awkward in a hurry when they found themselves sharing a post hookup taxi . . . to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.
What began as a powerful connection between them is treated to a cold shower courtesy of two major complications. First, Boomerang has a strict policy against co-worker dating. And second, they’re now competitors for only one job at the end of summer.
As their internships come to an end, will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other, or will the pull of attraction put them right back where they started


First published July 8, 2014

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About the author

Noelle August

11 books282 followers
NOELLE AUGUST is an anagram for Veronica Rossi and Lorin Oberweger. Just kidding, it's a pen name!

VERONICA ROSSI is the author of the New York Times Best-selling UNDER THE NEVER SKY trilogy for young adults. The books are available in more than thirty countries and the film rights have been optioned by Warner Bros.

Veronica completed undergraduate studies at UCLA and lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons. She is fond of dresses with pockets, fluffy dogs, and cheese and chocolate -- but not together.

LORIN OBERWEGER began her storytelling career by captivating her first-grade class with tales of her summers on a kibbutz in Israel.

Lorin had never been to Israel.

While teacher/parent night put an end to her first experiments in fiction, she’d already caught the bug and eventually made a career of all things story.

As a long-time independent editor and story development guru, Lorin's client successes range from small press publications to major bestselling novels. She's an award-winning author and has also worked behind the scenes as a ghostwriter on a variety of projects. Her work has received starred Kirkus reviews and glowing mentions in The New York Times.

Oh, she did get to see a kibbutz, eventually, and found out she had it pretty much right all along.

Veronica and Lorin met at a writing workshop and just knew they were destined to create awesome things together.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 858 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa.
393 reviews642 followers
September 23, 2015
Rebound Review
Bounce Review

I'm astounded by this book of awesomeness. For reals.

A show of hands for those who are tired of NA leads with a tragic past.

A show of hands for those who are bored with the the manwhore and the virgin trope.

A show of hands for those who are fed up with the weird healing sex.

A show of hands for those who are sick and tired of the constant slut shamming just to make the female lead look better.

A show of hands for those who are tired of never seeing any real friendship between girls in all these NA

And finally, a show of hands for those who can remember the last NA they read that wasn't plagued to the brim with cliches.

I'm starting to think I'll read anything Veronica Rossi writes. Seriously, anything that's she's written and I've read, I've enjoyed it to no end. And this was no different.

People, this book is funny! And not in the "telling jokes" kind of way but in the "everything they think makes me giggle like an idiot" way. I absolutely adored being in the mind of Mia and Ethan and severely enjoyed every second of it. And not just them, every characters has their own magnetism that pulls you in. They're great characters that you guys need to meet! It's a sexy and light read, never bogging you down with over the top drama or anything of the sort. The banter and character dynamics is just AH-MAH-ZING. Rainbows and unicorns amazing!

Now, I won't rate it higher cause, IMO, it tended to drag towards the middle and it was a tad bit predictable with a rushed ending. But guys, seriously, it's so worth the try!

Also, I feel I should mention that while there isn't insta-love there is insta lust but...that's a real thing folks for those of you who find it hard to believe. I mean, have you never met a person and been instantly attracted to them that you felt compelled to rip off their shirts? No one?...yeah...me neither

Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,128 reviews1,166 followers
January 23, 2017

Boomerang is a very enjoyable and adorable NA read. It’s the perfect choice for the Holidays. It’s something I was completely able to enjoy and I finished it in a day. It’s fun and light and the premise is really hilarious. One night stand turns to internship/job competition turns to romance turns eventually to love. It’s definitely my kind of NA, NA without the A for Angst. Lol. It was like watching a rom-com movie and I was pretty much entertained. It was the perfect past time while I was waiting for the beef I was cooking to tender.

Plus, I earned my first book boyfriend for 2017! Welcome to the never ending list, Ethan! ;) And though no normal guy would say the following lines but a girl could dream. Lol.

“It sounds possessive and psychotic, but that’s not how it feels. How it feels is like I want to become a human force field around her. Like I want to give her anything I can- everything, to keep her happy and safe. The truth isn’t so much that she’s mine as it is that I’m hers.”

Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
876 reviews4,157 followers
February 15, 2021

Edit : after reading several crappy NA, I'm bumping up my rating of this one. It may have dragged a little in the middle, I don't care. So, so much better.

Just look at the cover . Have you seen the cover? See the colors? Well, now that I look at it, there're not that much color but you know what? To read this book was like flying through colorful bubbles and yes, absolutely, I'm sure that would be an awesome experience. No?

The only thing that prevented me from giving it 5 stars is the fact that I felt the story drag at some point. Nothing insurmountable, but I must confess that I felt the urge to skim a page or two in the middle. Oh, and maybe you want to know if they'll finally remember their night together? Oh yes they will. And let me tell you : that was hot.

For once I'm not adding any quote. I guess you'll have to discover Ethan, Mia, their friends and families by yourself ;)

For more of my reviews, please visit:
Profile Image for Jln .
303 reviews
September 23, 2014

4.5 Sweet, Refreshing, Funny stars

Wow, I can't believe it. I just read a book in the N/A genre that wasn't filled with clichés or annoying, immature characters. It's a miracle....

I first heard about this book a few days ago when a glowing friend review went through my newsfeed, (thanks, Francesca!). When I looked up the book, I saw that Veronica Rossi co-wrote the book under a pen name which further convinced me to give it a try, and I'm so glad I did! It was a very enjoyable, well written romance with great characters. I had a cheesy smile on my face for half of the book.

In a nutshell, Mia and Ethan meet in a bar and have an impressive night together, (wink wink), only to find out the next morning they are competing for the same job at a dating website called Boomerang.com. They are still very attracted to each other, but conflicted about it because of the job situation. I thought they had great chemistry, and the sexual tension and build-up was a lot of fun. I loved both characters, but especially Ethan. His POV was my favorite. I know most girls love the alpha bad boy type, but in my opinion it's fun to see the sweet guy get the girl sometimes too:) I also loved that the book had interesting, relatable side characters and both Mia and Ethan had supportive families. I didn't roll my eyes even once while reading this book!

Favorite quote: "The minute you put my panties in the toaster oven, I knew you were the one."

A new addition to my favorite shelf!

Profile Image for TS.
329 reviews49 followers
July 3, 2018
id rather swallow a tide pod than ever read this again
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
2,041 reviews34.2k followers
August 6, 2014
Well, this was fun! I had heard such great things about this book from my friend Karen at FWIW, but I approached this with some trepidation since I wasn't a huge fan of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. This turned out to be such a flirty and sexy story, though, and a really enjoyable addition to the NA genre. Plus it's actually about that age post-college when you're embarking on your career. There's some escapist/strains credibility rom-com type stuff, but I didn't really mind that. And big, big points for elements of the Los Angeles/art/entertainment/corporate settings and intern/job experience being handled with a lot of authenticity.

One quibble: after such great build-up with sexual chemistry/tension, I think the actual sex could have been a little better, and maybe more of it. Still, a really fun romance...and I'll definitely be reading more books from these authors in the future.
Profile Image for aimee (aimeecanread).
591 reviews2,627 followers
August 9, 2014

"If you want to get somewhere, you accept it. Successful people live their lives in a damn hurry."

After seeing all the positive reviews for this one on my various feeds, I just had to try it out for myself. Now that I'm done reading it... I can see what all the fuss is about, but personally, it wasn't my cup of tea. Fans of the new adult genre (and maybe even cheesy romantic films) will clearly enjoy this one more than I did, since I'm not a fan of either.

If there was one thing I appreciated about this book, it was the fact that both Mia and Ethan acted and talked the way people their age would. There are so many immature characters (and even characters who are too mature!) who we bookworms rant about, but these two had real and raw voices.

Boomerang could have been a real hit with me. Realistic-sounding main characters make it so much easier for me to relate to the characters, to laugh along with their jokes and to be frustrated and tired when they are. While I did find it very easy to chuckle whenever someone cracked a joke, it was hard for me to get into the characters' minds, maybe because they were thinking too much about each other. Really, I should have counted how many times I wanted to duct tape these people's mouths or fry their brains so that they'd stop thinking. It could also be due to the fact that, let's face it, I'm a young teen, and this book is meant for new adults.

The characters were all pretty likable, actually. Mia was a very laid-back and down-to-earth heroine, which is pretty uncommon in the few NA novels I've read. I think she'd be a fun friend to have in real life, but since we got a look into her thoughts (of Ethan!), I was definitely rolling my eyes a lot. Ethan was, well, not an ass. He was competitive, but he was still nice and respectful to his competition.

See, the story revolved around these two and how they were competing for a position at Boomerang. They had a one-night stand on the night before the first day of their internships. Everything was definitely way too convenient for them, and how they suddenly realized they would be working at the same company... It was a bit bothersome. I wished there was at least some parts of the novel that wasn't centered around just the romance.

Again, the main thing that got my eyes twitching was how often both characters thought about how gorgeous the other was and how attracted they were to each other. Too much monologues about each other! I got it the first few times, okay? No need to mention it every chapter.

I didn't get the point of the story. What's the lesson? The essence of the book? Is there even one? There probably is, but I personally can't figure it out. This was basically a book about two almost-adults who pined for each other throughout the entire book, but not wanting to risk other things for their possible relationship. Very cliche, and definitely like a corny romantic movie.

Fans of the new adult age group will definitely be able to enjoy this one more than I did. If you're looking for a book with depth, then this isn't it. If you're okay with a shallow but fun story, give this a shot!
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,838 reviews1,635 followers
July 15, 2014
I do not read much New Adult (NA), usually it is just a Young Adult (YA) with sex and tragic childhoods thrown in. But if Boomerang is indicative of what the NA genre is evolving into I will be reading more in the future.

This was a super fun romantic comedy with interesting characters that are just starting out in life in their very first internship. It is the slot in life right after college when you are trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life and you are sure at some point you are supposed to feel like a grown up but most of the time it still feels like you are pretending to be grown up.

We meet Mia and Ethan the morning after. A morning in which the very hung-over pair are trying to remember what exactly happened the night before as they are searching through the apartment for Mia’s very scattered clothing. It is hurried as they are both starting new jobs. The opening scene is extremely funny and a great intro into the book.

It's easy to like them both immediately. They joke and have a great natural banter, there is definite chemistry between them that is put to an abrupt halt. It seems they are both working the same internship that will result in only one position and to make things worse there is a no dating policy at Boomerang.

But, they just met and can’t even remember how far things went the night before so it shouldn’t really be that hard….right? What ensues is great sexual tension as both try to fight of the attraction between them. What makes it even worse is Boomerang is a new dating site for people looking for something that might not be an eHarmony love match but more of a date with possibilities *wink wink*. Mia and Ethan are working in marketing and are assigned to go on ‘Dates’ as field research. Ethan dreads watching Mia on a ‘Date’ with someone from the site.

Time did not fly. Today time broke a wing and had to be put down. I’ve just spent four hundred and eighty minutes thinking about Mia, looking at Mia, and actively not thinking about and looking at Mia.

I flew through these pages. The shifting PoV between Mia and Ethan kept the story moving along very quickly and gave insight in the lives and thoughts of both characters which I totally loved. Mia has a great group of female roommates and a slightly crazy but adorable family. Those are some of the funniest scenes. But her girls are also there to tell her when she is screwing up.

“You don’t wait around for anyone or anything. But with boys, you act like goddamn Sleeping Beauty. Like they’re the only ones with choices to make.”

Ethan has a great family, roommates and a budding bromance with Rhette (did I mention I love bromances). Ethan also has a little baggage from his past in the form of an ex-girlfriend, but who doesn’t.

“We’ve--accepted each other in a new way. We put the past where it belongs.”
Rhett’s scowl deepens. “She has you speaking in greeting card, bro. You can’t reduce life to a pithy statement.”
“You sound a lot smarter when you’re pissed.”
“You commit to stupid shit when you go to sushi with your ex.”

But not to worry this is not a love triangle/quadrangle, it is just hard enough figuring out what you want and what you are supposed to want at this age. Ethan and Mia both make some mistakes along the way while trying to do the right thing but you are always rooting for them. There is angst, some situational some emotional but it was a good balance and I just wanted to continue reading and never became overly upset with the characters.

Overall I liked all of the characters and the situations. I flew through the pages and dialogue and couldn’t wait for the two to remember what actually happened the first night they met. As portions of the evening are slowly remembered even more tension builds between them. I enjoyed the family interactions and felt like these could be real people just starting out in life.

Definitely recommended for just a general good time read.
Profile Image for Lazaros.
271 reviews598 followers
February 13, 2015
This is a great example of new-adult being at its best.

I loved this one. It had actual plot. It had blushing moments. Attraction between two people, & it wasn't just lust. It was romantic, cute & adorable.

When Mia Galliano wakes up at the house of a complete stranger, she cannot remember a single thing about the things she & the stranger, Ethan Vance, did. None of them seems to remember a thing. It's not actually like them to do one-night-stands. This morning they woke up & they left together, they both seemed to be in a hurry. What they didn't know though was that they were both going at the same place for the same thing. The internship of 'Boomerang' which is a dating site. Arriving there, they learn that only one of them is going to be getting the job after the internship's done & that means they'll have to compete against each other. There's also a strict policy of no-relationships between co-workers. But why should they care? They've already had one-night-stand, so, they shouldn't care.

While the entire not-remembering thing is certainly itching them both, they get to know each other & the become friends, not friends in a way friendship is born but friends that eventually end up in a relationship.

This book was surprisingly well-written! I loved it. The characters were very well-detailed, it wasn't just about the two of them having wild-monkey sex, & it had an actual storyline.

Mia's obsessed with the arts, she is making a kinds-of documentary for her grandmother, who she idolizes. Her grandmother suffers from the Alzheimer's disease so she's doing everything in her power to remember her when she won't be able anymore to remember anything.

Ethan is soccer maniac. He loves football but now he just coaches because of an accident he had that doesn't allow him to actual become a player. He coaches instead little children, takes them on excursions too.

So, I recommend this heartily.

This author actually knows how to write & I'll be harry to read more of her.
Profile Image for Vale.
115 reviews299 followers
December 30, 2015
Aunque bastante predecible, me divirtió bastante y me sacó uno que otro suspiro, me hizo recordar lo que es estar enamorada y eso es lo que salva el libro
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews854 followers
February 20, 2015
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Boomerang by Noelle August
Book One of the Boomerang series
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publication Date: July 8, 2014
Rating: 3 stars
Source: Copy bought from Amazon

Summary (from Goodreads):

The first book in a sensational New Adult trilogy from Noelle August

Welcome to Boomerang.com, the dating site for the millennial gen with its no-fuss, no-commitments matchups, and where work is steamier than any random hook-up

Mia Galliano is an aspiring filmmaker. Ethan Vance has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re sharp, hungry for success, and they share a secret.

Last night, Ethan and Mia met at a bar, and, well . . . one thing led to another, which led to them waking up the next morning—together. Things turned awkward in a hurry when they found themselves sharing a post hookup taxi . . . to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.

What began as a powerful connection between them is treated to a cold shower courtesy of two major complications. First, Boomerang has a strict policy against co-worker dating. And second, they’re now competitors for only one job at the end of summer.

As their internships come to an end, will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other, or will the pull of attraction put them right back where they started?

What I Liked:

It's been a while since I've read a New Adult book - and that was very much on purpose. For the past couple of years, I've been so sick of the age level (New Adult) and its most popular genre (contemporary romance). So NA contemporary romance and I broke up for a while. I decided to give this book a shot because 1) Veronica Rossi is one of the authors - HELLO, LOVE HER, and 2) I'm on the blog tour for Rebound (see my post next week!), so I felt the need to read this one before reading Rebound. While I didn't love this book, I'm glad I gave it a chance (especially before reading Rebound).

This book starts with Mia waking up and finding herself in someone bed, completely nude. She doesn't remember much from that night, just that she was very, very drunk, and she went with a guy home. The guy, Ethan, is in bed as well, also nude, but she can barely remember his name. As they scramble to get ready for their jobs, they take a taxi, not realizing they're going to the same place. To the same internship.

Boomerang is looking to hire one person, and Mia and Ethan will have to compete against each other to "win". They will design a booth for Boomerang, effectively marketing the dating site. Oh, and no fraternization between coworkers. Which leaves Mia and Ethan in an... interesting situation, given how that night before their first day at Boomerang. Is work more important than growing feelings?

I really liked how this book started - with Mia and Ethan waking up after an intimate night. No one knows exactly what happened (did they have sex, did they just mess around, etc.), but it was cute how comfortable with tension-filled the two of them were. The way Mia describes Ethan makes me want my own Ethan to wake up next to... haha.

I liked Ethan a lot. I liked Mia too, but I liked Ethan a lot more. We get both of their first-person point-of-views, which is nice. Ethan is such a sweet guy, but he's always saying stupid things and doing things that can be misinterpreted. He coaches soccer (nine-year-old boys), but he really needs the money that working for Boomerang could offer him. Ethan really likes Mia, but he thinks it was a one-night thing, and he needs the job more than a girl he just met. Right?

Also, he's a soccer player. You know how I feel about soccer players. Mmmm... that physique... but in all seriousness, it's my favorite sport (tied with tennis).

I LOVE how the authors makes certain aspects of a relationship today so REAL. There are several times when Ethan says something to Mia, and doesn't realize how Mia will take his words. The word "nothing" is a really bad word to use with a girl. It was "nothing", it meant "nothing", etc. Like, we could totally understand what Ethan MEANT, but what he said was misinterpreted. This happens all the time in real like, and I love the authenticity. Same goes for things he DID, as well.

This story is pretty quick, light, easy to read, fast-paced. The romance is important, but the story involving Boomerang and the internship is important as well. I wanted more between Ethan and Mia alone, but there are some scenes between them that made me smile. They have a lot of chemistry, but they also care about each other from the start.

The story ends satisfyingly, and of course, there's plenty of room for more novels. Companion novels work well with this series!

What I Did Not Like:

Like I said above, I wanted more from just Ethan and Mia. I feel like they're not alone enough, and there isn't enough tension exposed between them. Sure, they think about each other a lot, especially as they slowly recall what happened that first night, but it's not the same as actually being two inches from each other and wanting to jump each others' bones. Hehe.

This is a personal thing, but I didn't like the whole competition thing. I didn't like the idea of the two protagonists competing for something. This story arc doesn't sit well with me. But again, me.

I didn't really like another part of the story that I didn't mention - Boomerang is a dating site (sort of like eHarmony of OK Cupid or something). Naturally, as employees of Boomerang, Ethan and Mia go on experimental dates with other people (for the sake of company research, of course). A me thing, I think, but I didn't really like this plot arc. It's obvious that the authors put this in the story so that the protagonists could feel a good dose of jealousy. But eh. Bot a me thing.

The ending, in terms of the booth, is TOO cookie-cutter perfect. So cliche. I didn't like that particular part. It's so... goody-goody, almost. But that's okay.

Would I Recommend It:

This definitely was not the worst New Adult contemporary romance novel I've read (not by far), but it wasn't the best (that might go to Foreplay by Sophie Jordan). It didn't have too many cliches and overused tropes, but I did want see more from the physical side of the romance. But perhaps I would recommend this book. I'll read Rebound and let you know about this series overall.


3 stars. Catch my review of Rebound next week, as well as all things blog-tour-related! You'll see if I liked Rebound more than I liked this one...
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,445 reviews1,365 followers
June 13, 2024
Veronica Rossi could email me her grocery list and I would probably print it out and put it on my bookshelf, so when I heard she was writing (as part of a team) a New Adult title I’m pretty sure I squealed in joy.

I have a special place in my heart for this genre… mostly because I want to love it. I love reading about this age group and there is so much potential in the way of stories! BUT there are a handful of authors that I can count on to fill my heart with just enough swoons and smut and provide a wonderful story that has the perfect amount of drama, and Noelle August (Rossi & Oberweger) are now on that list.
First, lets talk about that cover. It screams lighthearted and fun, and that is just what this book was for me. From the get go you know it’s going to be a wonderful ride when Mia Galliano wakes up in the bed of Ethan Vance. After a night of celebratory drinking they can’t exactly remember what occurred … or didn’t occur in said bed though. But there is no time to waste thinking about it because they’re both late for where they need to be.

One awkward taxi ride later, they find themselves standing outside Boomerang Headquarters… together. And they find out very quickly that they are both in competition for the same position at the end of the summer and that the company has a strict no dating policy.

The best thing about this book is that the drama isn’t over done – so often I pick up a book in this genre and find that everything is done to the extreme. Not the case here, and I can’t tell you enough how nice it is to find something that everyone will be able to enjoy.

Mia & Ethan are wonderfully layered characters that I found myself enjoying immensely. There wasn’t a single thing I didn’t like about either of them, and that had me cheering for everything to work out in the end.

The added layer that they work for a dating service just makes the situations these two get into so much fun and each chapter starts with a question that one might ask while trying to get to know someone new.
And if you’re looking for the swoons then holy crap you guys… Ethan brings it.

“I brush her lips with mine. This isn’t our first kiss, but it sure as hell feels that way, and it seems important, somehow, to be tender with her.”

But seriously, if you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted romance that will have you laughing and swooning, you definitely NEED to pick up Boomerang when it arrives. I’ll just be over here anxiously awaiting the next book in this series (and to be honest anything by these ladies).

Thank you to William Morrow and Edelweiss for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!
Profile Image for Henz.
231 reviews76 followers
September 8, 2016
You know while reading the devastating It ends with us, I sandwiched reading it with this book and Fallen Crest High which is yet to be reviewed. Boomerang is so refreshing because it was exactly what I needed after the whirling emotions I got from the Colleen Hoover book. It was fun and flirty with just the right amount of steam and dirt .. bahahaha

The romance is something that I really like in this book because they it didn't have the insta-love which people really hate but they don't deny that they felt hot for each other. And that's just okay because admit it guys we also find that instant attraction to other people a lot.

From a one night stand to finding missing panties to competing for the job they want. There isn't any heavy drama involved. Ethan and Mia are goal oriented people, they are just lovable and an office romance is the dilemma which I really dig, plus the banters are just awesome. I just didn't quite feel the ending but overall it's a fun read for those New Adult readers who wants something refreshing and tired of heavy dramas, alpha males and reluctant female characters.

P.S. Isn't the cover adorable?!
Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews63 followers
June 3, 2015
I didn’t know that Noelle August was the pseudonym for
Veronica Rossi until I finished this novel.
Under the Never Sky! Duh!!

The author makes the characters relatable, flawed, and interesting. One minor issue: Adam, the boss, is one character I find unrealistic. Overall, the storyline is fun, real and sexy. Ethan is one swoon worthy hero!!
#no OTT drama # not dat steamy # not smut# refreshing NA #stand-alone
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,139 reviews2,282 followers
July 28, 2014
If Julie James's Practice Makes Perfect had a half-child, Boomerang would be the result. And, since Practice Makes Perfect is my favorite James novel, of course I fell for Boomerang. For those of you who don't know, Practice Makes Perfect chronicles the blooming romance between two lawyers who compete for exactly one prestigious position in their firm. Boomerang, similarly, is the love story of two young, ambitious, and disastrously attractive interns competing for one job opening at Boomerang, an up-and-coming dating site.

Noelle August's debut New Adult novel--an effort co-authored by Veronica Rossi herself--doesn't break new ground in the genre yet, it's still massively entertaining. Boomerang opens with our protagonists, Mia and Ethan, waking up in bed together. Unknowingly, the two wound up celebrating their internship positions together, not knowing that they'd soon be competing for a job. Or, for that matter, that their new company would have a strict policy on inter-office dating. Both Mia and Ethan know they have chemistry--the sparks just won't stop flying!--but for Mia, Boomerang is the opportunity she needs to launch her career as a filmmaker and for Ethan, Boomerang equates to the salary he desperately needs to earn in order to pay back his student loans and afford grad school after his dreams of becoming a soccer star were shut down due to an injury. But, the real question here isn't who will land Boomerang's exclusive position--it's whether Mia and Ethan can abide by company rules and keep their hands off each other...or not?

Alternating from Mia and Ethan's perspectives, Boomerang is the type of romantic comedy that hits all the right queues: targeting the humor, hitting the laughs, and keeping the storyline short and sweet without dragging it longer than necessary. It's a self-aware novel--rare, but necessary, in this particular genre--and though there are a variety of typical tropes such as petty jealousy, they are dealt with in such an honest and forthcoming light that, as readers, we find ourselves charmed instead of irritated. What's more, the characters have valid reasons--beyond plot-spun dilemmas--to prolong their happily-ever-after. Both Mia and Ethan have been burned by their past relationships and coping with the aftermath of those tragic romances have molded these two into different, more cautious, individuals. Thus, to jump into a relationship--real life consequences and job hunt be damned--isn't quite as easy as it seems for Mia and especially for Ethan with his financial difficulties.

In the small details, Boomerang shone. Mia, the daughter of a famous photographer and a self-made father, wants nothing more than to rise to success on her own two feet. Unlike typical protagonists following this storyline, her goal isn't to escape from the shadow of her parents but rather to find her own artistic voice separate from theirs. It seems like an identical concept, but the subtle differences truly make a change. Mia's ambition, her love for film, and particularly her drive to chronicle her Alzheimer's suffering grandmother on video are all such raw, true glimpses into who she truly is, teasing at the type of naivety and emotion found only amongst the New Adult age group, that Boomerang benefits from it. Ethan, as well, struggling under the burden of not having quite enough to live by comfortably but, at the same time, not wanting to trouble his parents represents a much more relate-able lifestyle. One line, in particular, where he remarks that his parents are currently putting his younger brother through college and really can't afford to pitch in for day-to-day expenses like his rent--those thoughts felt all-too authentic. Now, heading off to college myself with a younger brother in the house, these are the tragic thoughts I know will plague me some day as well.

While Boomerang still stumbled in areas, namely the sexual tension between the love interests steaming up the page far more than the actual sex did (kind of a bummer, not going to lie...), I found this debut to be full of charm and oozing with promise. Mia thinks to herself, at one point, that being out of college and in the "real" world, sustaining a job and building a career, still feels like playing at adulthood. For me, Boomerang hit the nail with one-liners like these which mirrored my own tumultuous and confused thoughts about growing up all-too-well. (Seriously, internships feel like dress-up! I traveled to NYC for a research internship all of last summer and sitting on the train every morning with actual adults who made money and paid taxes felt far too surreal.) Needless to say, I'll be picking up the companion novel to Boomerang once it releases and I hope Noelle August continues to write honest, open, and downright entertaining romances--I certainly won't be tiring of them anytime soon.
Profile Image for Siiri (Little Pieces of Imagination).
545 reviews116 followers
September 8, 2014
Noelle August is a hot new name on the New Adult landscape. I knew I’d love Boomerang’s humor and chemistry even before I opened the book because Veronica Rossi is a queen and I adore her books. I had, must admit, never heard of Lorin Oberweger before, but turns out that she has starred Kirkus reviews and everything as a ghostwriter so should speak volume about her talent as well. So yes, Boomerang was a must after I read the synopsis and I may as well tell you all about my thoughts on this fun, chemistry-filled and humorous read.

"On the single most important day of my life, I wake with the thought: Oh crap, where are my panties?"

Ethan and Mia as narrators are very good. They have slightly different tones, but we still get the effortless and funny storytelling through both of their eyes. Also, while a good chunk of the book focuses on their romance, Boomerang explores their problems and dreams outside the romance plot as well. Mia’s aspirations and her bond with her grandmother were humbling and inspiring. Ethan’s relationship and problems with her ex and his position as the coach definitely added to the story too. Plus, we have one of my favorite romances: the forbidden kind. Seeing as Adam, Mia and Ethan’s awesome boss, has one rule—no office romances—their attraction basically triples. And that only fueled my desire to see them together.

I loved the banter and the chemistry between Mia and Ethan. I also enjoyed the secondary characters that may come off as a little cliché to some people, but it didn’t bother me the slightest. I especially adored Ethan’s roommates who are a couple and super cute together! Alsooo, LOL at Cookie and Candy! There were a bunch of elements I adored about Boomerang (and the marketing theme was definitely one of them as well), but I felt like towards the end of the novel? It lost a little spark for me. I can’t exactly point fingers to anything specific, but I grew a little tired of the story. Plus there was a tad too much lusting over each other and I wish we had gotten a tiny bit more development for the background stories or something along the lines.

As a whole, Boomerang was really enjoyable and made me laugh a ton, so I can’t wait to read the following stories in this companion series. It’s funny because I was hoping and crossing my fingers that the next book will be about Adam, but boy did I ever not wish for his story to have this leading lady. I’m not sure how I feel about the idea, but I’m willing to give it a try. If it’s anything like Boomerang, it’s bound to entertain and shower us with laughter, intense chemistry and a ton of feels!

Overall rating: 3.5 out of 5.0


Original thoughts: New Adult book by our beloved Veronica Rossi? And this intriguing pre-synopsis? Ohhhhh yes!!! Count me in:) The only sad thing is that it comes out in 2014.

More of my reviews can be found on my blog
511 reviews209 followers
July 17, 2014
borrring borrrrrrring borrrrrring

Zombies. Welcome to our generation of them brain-sucking undead oysters=> possibilities. The world is full to the brim of oysters, if you're in the right place at the right time reading the right book.

Or should I rewrite that sentence with 'wrongs'?

Books are turning me into zombies. What's the one symptom of a zombie? Their language consists of a short vocabulary whose words they drawl like two-sizes short stretch/leather pants. As if they're from the fucking 80's.

Google giveth.

Zombies from the 80's.

Not one to judge but why is that lady having an orgasm? Is this like an older version, realistic(relatively speaking) of Warm Bodies?

Sex and the City, smoking meat style.

But what I just said is so fucking offensive and narrow and ignorant, I'm going to separate my demographic on language basis. You speak Chinese? Review limited to people who speak Chinese. You speak Ancient Welsh?(why?)(teach me) For you only. Don't kid yourself, there's probably only one of you.

Anyways, Boomerang did all that and no more. No morrrrrre. No morrrrrrre. Nooooooo morrrrrrre. (Okay, so this wasn't zombie; it's Doctor Who style.)

With a cast of restrictive characters who are all hothothotheat and beautiful people with expressive eyes around every goddamn corner, this book blinded me with its whiteness. Its brilliance. My eyes are bleeding. And I wanted to pledge myself to eye donation camp, dammit!

Ethan and Mia couldn't possibly be more boring. Or they could be. The wonders of the world surprise me; plus possibilities, for some people, aren't an endangered species.

Most of their dialogue, or hell even their monologues, consist of the other: how they look so perfectly masculine/feminine, how gentle and kind, oh those eyes that express so much, oh zat passion. It seemed fucking clinical and rote. Like the author(s) were going through the motions of a romance novel. And while it may not be the case for them, this destroyed any chemistry that could be sizzling for me.

It was surface, and the surface, if it ain't even manipulatively funny or ridiculous, pisses me off.

The writing is glorified. And by that I mean, it is unreal in its depiction and constructs every person, action, scene as so flawless, unblemished and hollywood. This is a trademark of romance novels I've hated.

And let's not get started on the beautiful people. It'll turn into a drinking game for an unlucky hap who's looking for excuses to get intimate with the floor in an inebriated state. How come everyone is perfect? THIS LEVEL OF PERFECTION! This traditional beauty. I've never been able to buy it. Even as a kid, I remember scoffing at the definition of ugliness when it came to people, because it simple befuddled me. That girl in the glass with dark skin and cheeks like puff balls? Have you seen her smile, how she fucking glows? Yeah, so that boy may have a lot of acne scars and a big nose, but when he talks(and slightly spits), his speech makes you wonder why the room isn't spontaneously combusting right now.

But all this book has-his chin is so perfect! yo rack is fabulous, girl! he was born in Armani! and of course, her face is so perfect she somehow looks less than beautiful. I don't even get this.

I couldn't buy into anything. Mia's struggle for an independent start to her career seemed only a smokescreen; Ethan's want for money to pay his rent and crap was dealt in an offhand manner. These issues were there one second, forgotten the next because their blazing hotness/attraction.

Let's not even get into the cheesy, recycled lines they spout at the end. The turns in the plot that were predictable like you only wish your grades could be. (Oh goodness, PLEASE let me not fail the psychology test I errr... prepared for! Somewhat.)

On the other hand, I did like Ethan and Mia's separate circles of friends and their boss. Their portrayals were banal, as well, and trite but they could be funny. And if it be funny, me dont give shits. Unfortunately, one of Mia's friends just had to spout random peptalk shit-the kind friends don't give you in real life, and that ruined her for me.

Eh, I can't believe I didn't love Boomerang, considering the urge I always got to read the hell out of this book that I always got whenever I saw its page on Goodreads. And I saw it a lot. Reality is disappointing. Which brings me to the question, Am I ever going to read Into the Still Blue?

Doubtful is my sixth middle name.

The ending rode off into the sunset with Mia and Ethan and so many more happenstance couples, and everyone who read this book, and they left me behind. Gawd, I'm a hater. Let's parrrr-tay, I'm gonna try my hands at cookies.

This is from the 21st century, but whatever, you're welcome.
Profile Image for Louisa.
497 reviews391 followers
July 15, 2014
Absolutely recommended if you hate the typical angst-overloaded New Adult titles (or those trying to cash in on the hype, ugh) and just want to read about two 21-year-olds trying to find their way post-college, who just happen to be seriously attracted to each other AND vying for the same job!

None of that "I'm a shy virgin ooooh he's a tattooed bad boy!" crap, just realistic and well-written characters unafraid of their own sexuality, fabulous friendships, genuine chemistry... damn it, if only all NA was like this. I just shipped Mia and Ethan so hard most of the time. Mia made a silly decision which could've been handled better, but I'm at that age now. I totally understand.

Bonus: Veronica Rossi wrote half of it! I'm so glad she didn't disappoint. Jeez, considering I finished this in the span of three hours, the sequel better be out soon or imma boomerang all over the house waiting for it.
Profile Image for Christine PNW.
831 reviews212 followers
March 16, 2017
New Adult is definitely not my genre - I am far too much of a curmudgeon to enjoy reading about the smexy exploits of characters young enough to be my daughter. This is actually literal, since my daughter is 20, a junior in college, so I am constantly left with a semi-uncomfortable sense of voyeurism when I read romances that are more or less about her in a general sense.

Having said that, this was reasonably cute and the characters weren't entirely annoying. It doesn't fall into many of the NA traps - slut shaming, the healing power of the mighty wang of wonder, and cheating. There were a couple of scenes that made me laugh out loud, which is always a good thing.

I read this because I needed a book where the letters in the authors name contain all the letters of "August," so this one fit for obvious reasons. I wouldn't have picked it up otherwise, but it was worth the buck that I spent on it. I doubt I will pick up the sequels, unless they fit some other random category for a challenge.
Profile Image for Frency  camminando tra le pagine .
627 reviews58 followers
February 15, 2016
3.5 stelline.
RECENSIONE A CURA DEL BLOG CAMMINANDO TRA LE PAGINE: http://camminando-tra-le-pagine.blogs...

“Non vorrei però ti amo” è il primo romanzo della serie Boomerang di Noelle August – pseudonimo dietro il quale si nascondono due famose autrici di fama internazionale; Veronica Rossi (Under the never sky) e Lorin Oberwerger.
Nonostante “Non vorrei però ti amo” faccia parte di una trilogia può tranquillamente essere letto come stand alone, in quanto, le avventure dei due protagonisti iniziano e terminano in questo romanzo, senza finali sospesi che fanno tanto arrabbiare molti lettori. Inoltre ogni romanzo della serie segue le avventure di personaggi nuovi.

Qui attraverso il punto di vista alternato dei due protagonisti conosciamo Mia e Ethan.

Dopo una notte di bagordi e festeggiamenti Ethan e Mia si svegliano nello stesso letto nudi, senza nessun ricordo della notte appena passata e con il peggior dopo sbronza del secolo.
Anche se non hanno alcun ricordo della notte che hanno passato insieme Ethan è certo al 100% di aver passato una notte di passione con la brunetta dagli occhi verdi, perché insomma è nuda nel suo letto… e non può di certo essere andata diversamente, giusto?
Mia, invece, è altrettanto certa di non essere arrivata fino in fondo, anche se i suoi vestiti sono sparsi in ogni dove per l’appartamento di Ethan e anche se non trova più le sue mutandine, i suoi capelli non sono quell'ammasso riccioluto e disordinato tipici di una notte di sesso sfrenato… e i suoi capelli non mentono mai riguardo al sesso!
Appena svegli non hanno tempo per le domande imbarazzanti del mattino dopo, ma devono correre per non fare tardi al primo giorno di lavoro. E così si trovano a dividere un taxi del tutto ignari di dover andare nello stesso posto: la sede di Boomerang un famoso sito di incontri.

Quello che ancora non sanno è che entrambi sono stati assunti come stagisti e sono in competizione per ottenere l’unico posto di lavoro disponibile e un contratto a tempo indeterminato.
Un lavoro fisso di cui entrambi hanno un bisogno disperato.
Ethan ha bisogno del lavoro e di uno stipendio per saldare l’altissimo debito studentesco, e Mia vuole il lavoro per poter finalmente uscire dall’ombra di sua madre e dimostrare quanto

E quindi, che la sfida abbia inizio!
Ma le complicazioni non sono tutte qua, non si riduce solo ad una competizione per ottenere il lavoro; la severa politica aziendale vieta ogni genere di relazione tra i dipendenti e Ethan e Mia devono reprime la bruciante attrazione che provano l’uno per l’altra, e inoltre sono obbligati a provare il prodotto che Boomerang offre ai proprio clienti.
E così tra una notte di passione dimenticata, una sfida per ottenere l’unico posto di lavoro disponibile, imbarazzanti appuntamenti al buio con improbabili accompagnatori, e il dover reprime la fortissima attrazione che li lega, Ethan e Mia devono riuscire a rimanere concentrati sull’obiettivo che è il loro futuro… ma forse anche l’amore fa parte del piano…

“Non vorrei però ti amo” è un romanzo che rientra nella categoria dei new adult anche se al suo interno non troviamo le tipiche tragedie e drammi che di solito caratterizzano i romanzi di questo genere.
Questo romanzo è una deliziosa commedia romantica capace di far passare al lettore attimi spensierati e divertenti con siparietti ironici e frizzanti che vedono al centro della scena i due protagonisti, e anche con quel pizzico di romanticismo che in un buon romance non guasta mai.
Mia e Ethan sono fantastici.
Ethan è un ragazzo eccezionale, anche se ammetto che in qualche occasione mi ha fatto un po’ arrabbiare. Non è solo dannatamente sexy con il suo fisico atletico e prestante da calciatore, ma è anche un ragazzo con la testa sulle spalle anche se confuso riguardo al suo futuro.
Mia gli ha decisamente rubato il cuore, ma è pronto a sacrificare tutto quello che potrebbe costruire con lei.
Mia mi è piaciuta tanto. È una ragazza di ventun'anni con un sogno; quello di diventare regista, e vuole dimostrare il suo talento senza l’aiuto di sua madre che è una famosa artista! Ethan le piace, e lei sarebbe pronta a sacrificare tutto per lui, ma quando lui la respinge l’unica cosa che può fare è cercare di dimostrarsi migliore.
Tra siparietti divertenti e battute per le rime e attimi romantici che mi hanno fatto palpitare il cuore si configura una commedia romantica e divertente che vi farà passare qualche ora di svago.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,248 reviews2,032 followers
December 12, 2014
Very entertaining, though sometimes frustrating. I fell in love almost immediately with both Ethan and Mia. On their own, they're nearly irresistible. Mia with her confidence, strength and vulnerability. Ethan with his kindness, enthusiasm, and uncertainty. But you can see right from the start how well they fit together and what an incredible team they are going to become and that was absolutely enthralling.

Which is where the tension comes from. I wanted them together right from the very start so every impediment is agony. It doesn't help that the main impediment is a lame and arbitrary company policy. You pretty much have to ignore the unreasonable and slightly out-of-character mandate from the time it is proposed. I eventually chalked it up to necessary fantasy and called it good. There are other fantasy elements interwoven in the plot, but I just didn't care to let them intrude on my enjoyment. Or rather, I cared so much about Ethan and Mia that everything else was just scenery.

Don't get me wrong about that. The book is competently written and the story is well-paced and invitingly told. But Mia's family is deeply unlikely (however charming) with at least two generations of rather large coincidences to pile into a single heritage.

Besides the fantastic relationship/lead couple, August did an incredible job making this a true New Adult romance. Mia and Ethan make simple, even basic relationship mistakes that result in awkward moments and brief misunderstandings. But even better, she showed them learning from their mistakes in ways that were moving and grounded in both who they were and who they would become. And I realize on reflection that a large part of why I came away so happy with the ending is that I fully bought into their final relationship—not because they had grown into deeply mature and wise people in the end, but because I could see that they had made the choice to learn and grow together. i.e. I could see how they would become deeply mature and wise people building a life together because that is what they wanted and were committed to do.

A note about Steamy: Just shy of the high end of my range. This had a very amusing initial not-quite-sexy scene and a couple explicit sex scenes that went on for (admittedly short) chapters. (okay, only one was actual sex, but I'm calling the other close enough to count). Also, lots of tantalizing banter and playing with fire.
Profile Image for Lena’s Version.
1,131 reviews521 followers
July 5, 2015
Me ha sorprendido, creo que debería haberla puesto las 4 estrellas... Porque bueno, al fin y al cabo es un JR, pero sus personajes me han mantenido enganchada. Son tan monos y reales. Siento que la 1ª mitad del libro se ha recreado mucho en algunas escenas, no haciéndolas para nada pesadas, pero sí largas, cuando lo que yo quería era leer más sobre cómo evolucionaba su historia. Soy una impaciente, lo sé jajaja Pero por otra parte esa narración ha permitido conocerles también más a fondo, dado cómo se conocen tan de sopetón, y ha estado bien el resultado :D
Profile Image for Kristin Hackett (Merrily Kristin).
219 reviews3,708 followers
February 18, 2016
Originally posted on Super Space Chick:

Boomerang by Noelle August is the first book in a companion trilogy (a la Anna and the French Kiss) by Noelle August (who also write’s novels as Veronica Rossi) and it’s my first foray into New Adult (or rather, contemporary NA because A Court of Thorns and Roses is technically Fantasy NA). The story follows a girl named Mia and a guy named Ethan who have what they believe to be a one night stand until they figure out the next morning that they’re both starting new jobs as interns at a company called Boomerang. Oh, and they’ll be competing for one position that’ll be offered to the best intern at the end of the summer… and there’s a no strings attached policy for all employees. Let the messy complications ensue!

First we have Mia, who dreams of becoming a filmmaker. She comes from a wealthy family but she’s determined to carve out her own career path instead of using her family connections to get ahead. Then there’s Ethan, who recently graduated college and is drowning in boxes of unpaid bills, who desperately needs this job. The one thing these two have in common is a ton of chemistry with each other but for obvious reasons, they both want to focus on the opportunity at Boomerang and what it could mean for their futures. Ethan has a bit of a messy past with a recent ex and you can bet she swoops in to complicate things further. Another notable relationship throughout the book is Mia’s with her Nana who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. It’s heartbreaking to see Mia witness her grandmother’s degrading memory but the glimpses of her past during the Civil Rights movement was an unexpected touch. While Mia and Ethan navigate the drama they’re faced with regarding each other and outside influences, I found I was definitely rooting for them to get together throughout the whole book!

One of Boomerang‘s main strengths is that it’s told in alternating narratives, so the reader gets to be in both Ethan and Mia’s minds for an equal portion of time. While the story is constantly moving forward from chapter to chapter, it gives insight into how the same situation can be interpreted differently by two people. I found that I really enjoyed this form of storytelling in a contemporary romance. I also loved reading about the atmosphere within the Boomerang offices. I could clearly picture a start up company and the fact that it’s a dating website added another aspect of fun to the mix. I would never want to work with some of their co-workers, especially Cookie, but the CEO Adam seems like an interesting guy who is one of the main characters in the second novel, Rebound. I’m definitely looking forward to learning more about his past and seeing how he got to where he is in the business world.

Final Thoughts: Boomerang by Noelle August (aka Veronica Rossi) is a cute contemporary New Adult novel following two people who have a one night stand and then find themselves working at the same company which has a no strings attached policy for employees. It’s a very messy story for Mia and Ethan but it’s enjoyable to see the life of their relationship. Boomerang is told in alternating narratives between the two main characters which allows the reader to have complete insight into Mia and Ethan’s relationship and it’ll have you hoping they’ll get together in the end. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to try out a New Adult book!
Profile Image for Selly - Leggere Romanticamente.
1,242 reviews314 followers
February 29, 2016
La mia recensione sul blog http://www.leggereromanticamente.com/...

Cercavo una lettura frizzante e non impegnativa e mi sono imbattuta nel libro perfetto. “Non vorrei però ti amo” è il primo libro della serie Boomerang scritta con lo pseudonimo Noelle August, dietro al quale ci sono due note autrici: Veronica Rossi e Lorin Oberweger.
La storia è però da ritenersi auto-conclusiva, viene raccontata dal punto di vista di entrambi i protagonisti, Mia ed Ethan, senza lasciare nulla in sospeso. Mia è una studentessa di cinematografia con il sogno di diventare una regista, proviene da una famiglia benestante ma vuole dimostrare di cavarsela con le proprie forze facendo un po' di esperienza lavorativa reale e diventare indipendente, smettendo di vivere all'ombra della madre che è una nota artista.
Ethan ha appena terminato l'università e ha bisogno di un lavoro per ripagare il debito studentesco e soprattutto per non gravare più sulle spalle della propria famiglia.
La storia si apre con una simpatica scenetta dei due ragazzi che si ritrovano nudi nel letto di Ethan senza ricordare nulla della notte precedente perché troppo sbronzi a causa dei loro festeggiamenti. Per entrambi quello è un giorno importante: il primo giorno di stage in una società che offre un posto a tempo indeterminato. Immaginatevi quindi la loro sorpresa quando scoprono di essere diretti nello stesso luogo, nella stessa società e per di più di essere in competizione per quell'unico posto di lavoro disponibile! A complicare le cose si aggiunge il fatto che il giovane proprietario della società di incontri Boomerang, di cui dovranno curare il marketing, ha una regola piuttosto ferrea: nessuna relazione sul posto di lavoro!
Tra ricerche di mercato sul campo e finti appuntamenti imbarazzanti, le scene divertenti e ironiche non mancano di certo!
L'attrazione tra Ethan e Mia è forte e si sente costantemente, ma per via della politica aziendale e di vari fraintendimenti (Mia se l'è un po' cercata quando ha fatto tornare inconsapevolmente una persona del passato di Ethan...) e incomprensioni i due ci tengono in bilico con la loro tensione sessuale fino alla svolta finale.
Le scene piccanti presenti sono piuttosto soft, nonostante l'originale inizio del romanzo faccia pensare ad una storia molto più piccante, cosa che mi è andata benissimo così.
Anche se si tratta di genere new adult, non ci sono molti dei tipici clichè del genere poiché i protagonisti sono alle prese con le prime esperienze lavorative, inoltre non troviamo nemmeno tragedie o argomenti particolarmente sensibili.
Lo stile di queste due autrici mi è piaciuto perché fresco, semplice e frizzante. Dalla loro penna sono nati dei personaggi simpatici e affascinanti. Questa lettura è l'ideale per chi cerca una commedia romantica poco impegnativa che regala un bel sorriso in più occasioni.
Profile Image for Jessica.
289 reviews3,364 followers
April 6, 2016
3.5 stars
This book was super fun and light. I read it in two sittings and recommend it for those of you that just want to pick up a light book about two young adults that have the hots for each other. lol

This book started out really great. I liked how the beginning reminded me of the beginning of Grey's Anatomy a bit, and within just the first few chapters I really thought that this was going to be a very fun, lighthearted book that I'd really enjoy. But honestly, it was a bit of a let down.

It's not that this book was bad at all. It was set up really well and I think it had some really great characters. It just kinda fell flat for me. The ending felt a bit rushed to me and I just feel like it could have been done a lot better.

We learned a lot about Mia's love for film, and we heard a lot about a piece she was putting together starring her grandmother. Yet, I feel like that never really amounted to anything. The main obstacle that our character's faced through out this book, turned out to be not very much of an obstacle at all by the end.

Maybe I let myself just hear too much hype about this new adult book, and it's my own fault for having high expectations. But I don't think that's it. In my opinion, the book itself, got me really excited about it in the beginning...because it started out so good... then just to let me down.

Again, I think that a lot of other people would really like this! It's super light and fun!
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,395 reviews51 followers
October 24, 2014

Boomerang ha estado en mi lista de lecturas futuras desde hace meses, cuando lo descubri en el blog de Annais, Spread My Wings.
Despues de terminar la lecturas no tengo ni idea de que decir de este libro, una historia hermosa, tierna y muy dulce, es perfecta para cuando estas harta de lecturas complejas y quieres leer algo un poco mas " light ".
Aunque Boomerang tiene uno que otro cliche y la historia es un poco predecible, es digna de leer, su estilo comico y la forma en la que esta escrita me recordo a Wallbanger, aunque los dos libros no pueden ser mas diferentes, asi que si eres un fan de las historias de Alice Clayton estoy segura de que este libro te encantara.
Los protagonistas me gustaron mucho, no fueron para nada insoportables sino muy dulce y divertidos, me rei muchisimo en algunas partes y despues de leer un par de capitulos ya era totalmente adicta a el.
Definitivamente seguire leyendo esta saga, me muero de ganas de que la autora escriba la historia de Adam, fue un personaje que me causo mucha curiosidad.

3.5 Estrellas!!
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,450 reviews15.5k followers
July 23, 2016
This book has been sitting on my book shelf for so long, so I was very excited when I pulled this from my TBR Jar as my read for January. Based on the cover, I knew I was in for a cute, fun New Adult romance and that's exactly what I got!

Mia is an aspiring filmmaker who is banking on the internship with Boomerang.com to finally land her a job. Ethan is just looking to pay off his debts and make a living, so he needs the opportunity of a job after his unpaid internship. After a one night stand, the last thing Mia and Ethan expect is to show up at the same internship competing for the same job. With undeniable chemistry, Ethan and Mia must outdo one another in order to earn the job they both need while adhering to the no dating coworkers rule. Can Mia and Ethan deny one another when that one night together won't leave either of their minds anytime soon?

From the first page, this book was just addicting! I loved how Mia and Ethan woke up and couldn't remember what happened between them the night before. All they knew was that they're extremely attracted to one another. Oh boy, and what an attraction! The chemistry between those two was undeniable and it was so funny watching them drive each other crazy, especially when they had to try out the dating website themselves and watch each other date strangers. You just wanted them to be together already but you knew they couldn't. It drove me crazy!

While they had insane chemistry, Mia and Ethan also really understood each other. They were thrown into these situations and showed each other that they could really care for one another. Something devastating happened to someone close to Mia and Ethan stepped up and was there for her. It was so heartwarming and I loved how there was substance along with the physical attraction of their relationship.

Overall, this is another New Adult hit for me. There was laughter, but there was also a serious side to the story that tested Mia and Ethan. If you want a fun New Adult between two people who drive each other crazy, but definitely in a good way, then you must check out Boomerang!
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.4k followers
September 3, 2014
Boomerang is a distinctly familiar book. It’s like fanfiction and manga made a baby. It’s got that same kind of delicious story setup, constantly sprinkling of sexual tension as if it were a serial trying to keep the crowd coming back, and then a sweet, bubblegum ending that pops satisfyingly from a bubble of delight.

Mia and Ethan meet up for a one night stand only to realise the next day that they’re both competing as interns for the same position at the same company, Boomerang, a dating site. Shenanigans ensue, romantic tension is had and they both really want to bang despite a no-banging rule between company employees.

Boomerang is a little like ice cream. Perfect for what it is. Like ice cream it’s delicious, sweet and will give you brain freeze if you have too much of it. It’s a beach read. A summer read. Neither taxing on ze little grey cells nor emotionally challenging. But it’s not meant to be any of those things. It achieves exactly what it’s meant to be – sexy, flirty, fun with a sprinkling of comedy.

If that’s what you’re in the mood for, then you’re going to be very satisfied with Boomerang.

I think, ultimately, it’s the perfect length. Any longer and I would have gotten seriously bored, and the legitimate plot tension between Mia and Ethan was somewhat underplayed whilst the romantic tension was pretty much perfect for me.

But I have to admit, I’m really looking forward to a future endeavour from Veronica Rossi that is far less romance driven. I like these novels, but rarely love them. Boomerang felt too much like stuff I’d read before for me to truly get into it.

Over all, I liked the smart, funny read for what it was.

Nobody paid me for this review, which I think is the greatest injustice of all.

This and other reviews like it can be found on my blog, Cuddlebuggery.com/a>
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