Mitchell Heisman
New York City , The United States
September 18, 2010
Suicide Note
2 editions
God is Technology
* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.
“There is a very popular opinion that choosing life is inherently superior to choosing death. This belief that life is
inherently preferable to death is one of the most widespread superstitions. This bias constitutes one of the most obstinate mythologies of the human species.”
― Suicide Note
inherently preferable to death is one of the most widespread superstitions. This bias constitutes one of the most obstinate mythologies of the human species.”
― Suicide Note
“Uncertain of uncertainty, skeptical of skepticism, it seems that the most important question is whether there is an important question.”
― Suicide Note
― Suicide Note
“What does despair mean to someone who interprets that emotion as a chemical reaction in the brain?”
― Suicide Note
― Suicide Note