- Key People:
- Claude Shannon
- Harry Nyquist
- David Blackwell
- On the Web:
- CiteSeerX - Information Theory Primer (PDF) (Mar. 02, 2025)
Shannon’s concept of entropy can now be taken up. Recall that the table Comparison of two encodings from M to S showed that the second encoding scheme would transmit an average of 5.7 characters from M per second. But suppose that, instead of the distribution of characters shown in the table, a long series of As were transmitted. Because each A is represented by just a single character from S, this would result in the maximum transmission rate, for the given channel capacity, of 10 characters per second from M. On the other hand, transmitting a long series of Ds would result in a transmission rate of only 3.3 characters from M per second because each D must be represented by 3 characters from S. The average transmission rate of 5.7 is obtained by taking a weighted average of the lengths of each character code and dividing the channel speed by this average length. The formula for average length is given by: AvgLength = .5 × 1 + .25 × 2 + .125 × 3 + .125 × 3 = 1.75, where the length of each symbol’s code is multiplied by its probability, or relative frequency. (For instance, since the letter B makes up 25 percent of an average message, its relative frequency is .25. That figure is multiplied by 2, the number of characters that encode B in the signal alphabet.) When the channel speed of 10 characters per second is divided by the average length computed above, the result is 10/1.75, or approximately 5.7 characters from M per second.
The average length formula can be generalized as: AvgLength = p1 Length(c1) + p2 Length(c2) + ⋯ + pk Length(ck), where pi is the probability of the ith character (here called ci) and Length(ci) represents the length of the encoding for ci. Note that this equation can be used to compare the transmission efficiency of existing encodings, but it cannot be used to discover the best possible encoding. Shannon, however, was able to find a quantity that does provide a theoretical limit for the efficiency of any possible encoding, based solely upon the average distribution of characters in the message alphabet. This is the quantity that he called entropy, and it is represented by H in the following formula: H = p1 logs(1/p1) + p2 logs(1/p2) + ⋯ + pk logs(1/pk). (For a review of logs, see logarithm.) There are several things worth noting about this equation. First is the presence of the symbol logs. Here the subscript s represents the number of elements in the signal alphabet S; logs, therefore, may be thought of as calculating an “optimal length” for a given distribution. Second, note that the reciprocals of the probabilities (1/p1, 1/p2, …) are used rather than the probabilities themselves (p1, p2, …). Before explaining this equation in more detail, the following discovery of Shannon makes explicit the relationship between H and the AvgLength: H ≤ AvgLength. Thus, the entropy for a given message alphabet determines the limit on average encoding efficiency (as measured by message length).
Because the signal alphabet, S, has only two symbols (0 and 1), a very small table of values of log2, as shown in the table Some values of log2, will suffice for illustration. (Readers with access to a scientific calculator may compare results.)
n | log2(n) | n | log2(n) | n | log2(n) |
1.0 | 0.000 | 4.0 | 2.000 | 7.0 | 2.807 |
1.5 | 0.585 | 4.5 | 2.170 | 7.5 | 2.907 |
2.0 | 1.000 | 5.0 | 2.322 | 8.0 | 3.000 |
2.5 | 1.322 | 5.5 | 2.459 | 8.5 | 3.087 |
3.0 | 1.585 | 6.0 | 2.585 | 9.0 | 3.170 |
3.5 | 1.807 | 6.5 | 2.700 | 9.5 | 3.248 |
With these preliminaries established, it is now possible to decide whether the encodings introduced earlier are truly optimal. In the first distribution (shown in the table Encoding 1 of M using S) all characters have a probability of 0.25. In this case, the entropy is given by .25 log2(1/.25) + .25 log2(1/.25) + .25 log2(1/.25) + .25 log2(1/.25), which is equal to 4 × .25 × 2 = 2. Recall that the average length for the first encoding is also 2; hence, this encoding is optimal and cannot be improved.
For the second distribution (shown in the table Encoding 2 of M using S) the entropy is .5 log2(1/.5) + .25 log2(1/.25) + .125 log2(1/.125) + .125 log2(1/.125), which is equal to .5 + .5 + .375 + .375 = 1.75. Recall that this is equal to the average length of the second encoding for this distribution of characters. Once again, an optimal encoding has been found.
The two examples just considered might suggest that it is always easy to find an optimal code. Therefore, it may be worth looking at a counterexample. Suppose that the probabilities for the characters in M are altered as shown in the table Altered probabilities for M. For the distribution given in this table, H = .4 log2(2.5) + 3 × .2 log2(5) = 1.922. In this case, however, all simple encodings for M—those that substitute a string of characters from S for each character in M—have an average length ≥ 2. Thus, the bound computed using entropy cannot be attained with simple encodings. Shannon illustrated a technique for improving the performance of codes at the cost of complicating the encoding and decoding. The basic idea is to encode blocks of characters taken from M. For example, consider how often pairs of the characters shown in this table occur, assuming that the characters appear independently of each other. The probability for each pair is obtained by multiplying together the probabilities of the individual characters that make up the pair, as shown in the table. The pair AA would occur on the average 16 percent of the time (.16 = .4 × .4).
character | probability |
A | .4 |
B | .2 |
C | .2 |
D | .2 |
The 16 possible pairs of A, B, C, and D, together with their probabilities, and a possible encoding, are shown in the table Probabilities of pairs of characters from M. As can be verified, the encoding given in this table is a prefix code. The average length of the encoding in this table is 3.92 characters of S for every 2 characters of M, or 1.96 characters of S for every character of M. This is better than the 2.0 obtained earlier, although still not equal to the entropy. Because the entropy is not exactly equal to any fraction, no code exists whose average length is exactly equal to the entropy. But Shannon did show that more complex codes can always be created whose average length is as close to the entropy limit as desired—at the cost of being increasingly complex and difficult to utilize.
pair | probability | encoding | pair | probability | encoding |
AA | .16 | 000 | CA | .08 | 1000 |
AB | .08 | 101 | CB | .04 | 01110 |
AC | .08 | 0011 | CC | .04 | 01101 |
AD | .08 | 0010 | CD | .04 | 01100 |
BA | .08 | 110 | DA | .08 | 111 |
BB | .04 | 01011 | DB | .04 | 01010 |
BC | .04 | 1001 | DC | .04 | 01001 |
BD | .04 | 01111 | DD | .04 | 01000 |
Summarizing thus far: The average character distribution in the message alphabet determines a limit, known as Shannon’s entropy, on the best average (that is, the shortest) attainable encoding scheme. The theoretical best encoding scheme can be attained only in special circumstances. Finally, an encoding scheme can be found as close to the theoretical best as desired, although its use may be impractical because of the necessary increase in its complexity.