The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Everest Theatre (Seymour Centre), Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Seymour Centre, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
The Blind Forty, Fraser Studios, Chippendale, NSW, 1985
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