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Sinbad the Sailor of the Fairy of the Diamond Valley, Adelphi Theatre (1911-1916), Sydney, NSW, 27 March 1915
Babes in the Wood, Adelphi Theatre (1911-1916), Sydney, NSW, 19 December 1914
Cinderella , Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 19 December 1914
Sinbad the Sailor of the Fairy of the Diamond Valley, King's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 19 December 1914
The Forty Thieves, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 29 August 1914
Aladdin, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 17 June 1914
Forty Thieves, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 28 March 1914
Aladdin, Adelphi Theatre (1911-1916), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1913
Forty Thieves, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 18 December 1913
Puss in Boots, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 15 March 1913
Little Red Riding Hood, King's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1912
Puss in Boots, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1912
Sinbad the Sailor, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 27 April 1912
The Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe, King's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 30 March 1912
Sinbad the Sailor, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1911
Jack and the Beanstalk, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 8 April 1911
Jack and the Beanstalk, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 17 December 1910
Aladdin, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 12 March 1910
Babes in the Wood, King's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1909
Aladdin, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 18 December 1909
Jack and Jill, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 3 April 1909
Cinderella, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 19 December 1908
Jack and Jill, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 19 December 1908
Humpty Dumpty, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 18 April 1908
Humpty Dumpty, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1907
Bluebell in Fairyland, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 14 December 1907
Mother Goose, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 22 March 1907
Alice in Wonderland, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1906
Mother Goose, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 22 December 1906
Sinbad the Sailor or the Fairy of the Diamond Valley, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1905
Sinbad the Sailor or the Fairy of the Diamond Valley, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1904
Red Riding Hood, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1903
The Sleeping Beauty and The Beast or Mother Goose and the Seven Champions, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1903
Cinderella, the Crystal Slipper, and the Little Girl who put her Foot in it, Criterion Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1902
Dick Whittington and His Cat, Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1902
Aladdin, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 22 February 1902
Aladdin, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1901
Alice in Wonderland, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 21 December 1901
Cinderella, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 18 March 1901
Puss in Boots, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 16 February 1901
Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man!, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 9 February 1901
Australis; or, the City of Zero, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1900
Cinderella, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1900
Puss in Boots, Tivoli Theatre (1893-1929), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1900
Little Red Riding Hood or Keeping the Wolf from the Door, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1899
Jack and the Beanstalk or, Harlequin and the Magic Bean, Alexandra Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1898
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; a Tale of Persian Company-Promoting, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1898
Babes in the Woods or Bold Robin Hood and His Merry Men, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 2 April 1898
Jack the Giant Killer, Prince of Wales Opera House, Melbourne, VIC, 5 February 1898
Babes in the Woods or Bold Robin Hood and His Merry Men, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1897
Dick Whittington and His Cat or Harlequin the Demon Rat and the Good Fairies of the Bells, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 27 December 1897
Dick Whittington or Harlequin King Canabicus, Lyceum Theatre (1892-1918), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1897
Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man!, Wellington Opera House (1888-1914), Wellington, 27 December 1897
Jack the Giant Killer, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1897
Robinson Crusoe, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 27 December 1897
Matsa, Queen of Fire or, the Apples of Isis, the Dates of Osiris, and the Little People of the Mountains of the Moon, Onn and Oph, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 27 February 1897
Matsa, Queen of Fire or, the Apples of Isis, the Dates of Osiris, and the Little People of the Mountains of the Moon, Onn and Oph, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1896
Sinbad the Sailor, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1896
Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man!, Lyceum Theatre (1892-1918), Sydney, NSW, 28 March 1896
Djin Djin - the Japanese Bogie-Man!, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1895
Robinson Crusoe, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1895
Santa Claus, the House that Jack Built and the Historical Giant Killer, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1895
Cinderella and the Little Glass Slipper, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 2 February 1895
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1894
The House that Jack Built, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1894
Beauty and the Beast, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 22 December 1894
Cinderella and the Little Glass Slipper, Lyceum Theatre (1892-1918), Sydney, NSW, 22 December 1894
Beauty and the Beast, Lyceum Theatre (1892-1918), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1893
Jack the Giant Killer, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1893
Little Red Riding Hood or Harlequin Boy Blue, the Good Fairy, the Wicked Wolf, the Bold Bad Baron, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1893
Sinbad the Sailor, Little Jack Horner and the Old Man of the Sea, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1893
The Babes or Whines in the Wood, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 23 December 1893
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1892
Babes in the Woods or Bold Robin Hood and his Foresters Good, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1892
Bluebeard, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1892
Little Cinderella and her Great Big Sister or the Lover, the Lackey and the Little Glass Slipper, Alhambra Music Hall, Haymarket, NSW, 24 December 1892
Little Red Riding Hood or Harlequin Boy Blue, the Good Fairy, the Wicked Wolf, the Bold Bad Baron, Lyceum Theatre (1892-1918), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1892
Dick Whittington and His Cat or Harlequin the Demon Rat and the Good Fairies of the Bells, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1891
Jack the Giant Killer or, Harlequin Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum, the Demon Spider and the Fairies of the Silver Lake, Alexandra Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1891
Babes in the Woods or Bold Robin Hood and his Foresters Good, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1891
Harlequin or the Forty Thieves, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 24 December 1891
Aladdin, being an Old Version of a New Lamp , Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1890
Cinderella, Gold and Silver and the Little Glass Slipper, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1890
Dick Whittington and His Cat, Her Majesty's Theatre (1887-1933), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1890
Aladdin, being an Old Version of a New Lamp , Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1889
Cinderella, Gold and Silver and the Little Glass Slipper, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1889
Sinbad the Sailor or, Tinbad the Tailor and the Wicked Ogre and the Good Fairy Submarine, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 20 April 1889
Sinbad the Sailor or, Tinbad the Tailor and the Wicked Ogre and the Good Fairy Submarine, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1888
Robinson Crusoe, or Harlequin Friday and the King of the Cannibal Islands, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1887
Jack the Giant Killer and Little Bo Peep or, Harlequin King Arthur and the Enchanted Sheep, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1887
Dick Whittington and His Cat; a Pantomime with a Purr-Puss, Royal Standard Theatre (1886-1901), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1886
The Sleeping Beauty or; Harlequin Mother Goose and the Seven Champions, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1886
A Trip to the Moon; or Harlequin the Witty-un and the Kats and the Sleepless Beauties, Academy of Music (1882-1890), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1886
Robinson Crusoe, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1886
Babes in the Wood, St. George's Hall, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1885
Cinderella, or her Sisters, her Sorrows and her Little Glass Slipper or, the Fairy Godmother who wouldn't let the Bad, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1885
Harlequin Black 'Hide Susan and Her Plain Bill', Academy of Music (1882-1890), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1885
Mother Goose and the Enchanted Fairy, Olympic Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1885
Sleeping Beauty or, Harlequin Mother Goose and the Seven Champions of Christendom, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1885
Harlequin Black Bluebeard or, the Merry Musselman's Mother-in-Law, Academy of Music (1882-1890), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1884
Little Red Riding Hood or, Harlequin Boy Blue, the Good Fairy and the Naughty Wolf, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1884
Cinderella, her Sisters, her Sorrows, and her Little Glass Slipper or, the Fairy Godmother who wouldn't let the Bad, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1884
Sinbad the Sailor or, the Genii of the Diamond Valley and the New Guinea of the Future, Prince of Wales Opera House, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1884
Aladdin or Harlequin, the Wonderful Ring, the Magical Lamp and the Pretty Young Maiden who Loved a Great Scamp ..., Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1883
Jack and the Beanstalk and See-Saw, Margery Daw or, Harlequin Man in the Moon, The Love Birds of Fairyland, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1883
The Forty Thieves, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1883
The Babes or Whines in the Wood, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 23 December 1883
Aladdin or Harlequin, the Wonderful Ring, the Magical Lamp and the Pretty Young Maiden who Loved a Great Scamp ..., Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1882
Jack and the Beanstalk and See-Saw, Margery Daw or, Harlequin Man in the Moon, The Love Birds of Fairyland, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1882
Pantomime (in Black) St George and the Dragon, Victoria Hall, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1882
Sinbad the Sailor, Gaiety Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1882
Harlequin Blue Beard or, The Heathen Chinee and the Good Fairy of the Plumed Throne of Fairyland, Queen's Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1881
Sinbad the Sailor or, the Caliph's Daughter, the Old Man and the Sea, and the dwarf of the Diamond Valley, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1881
Dyk Whyttyngtonne and Hys Catte or, Arlekyn Lyttel Bo-Peepe and Ye Faerie Chymes of Bowe-Bells, Princess's Theatre and Opera House (1857-1886), Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1881
Gulliver or, Harlequin King Lilliput, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1881
Whittington and His Cat, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1881
Jack the Giant Killer, Queen's Theatre, Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1880
King of the Tranquil Valley, and Brutus, the Tyrant; or Harlequin Corin and the Princess Carpillona, Opera House (1879-1900), Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1880
Sinbad the Sailor; or The Pet of the Pearl; The Old Man of the Sea; and the Dwarf of the Diamond Valley, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 27 December 1880
Little Goody Two Shoes or, Harlequin Who Killed Cock Robin, Bijou Theatre, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1880
Amphibio, the Rhine Queen or Harequin Sir Rupert, the Knight, the Naiad and the Little Water Wagtail, Royal Victoria Theatre (1838-1880), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1879
Babes in the Wood or Who Killed Cock Robin, Theatre Royal (1875-1972), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1879
Cinderella or, Harlequin Prince Beauteous the Butterfly Fairy, Goblin Spider and the Little Glass Slipper, Academy of Music, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1879
The Babes in the Wood, Theatre Royal, Melbourne, VIC, 26 December 1879
Robinson Crusoe or, Friday and His Funny Family, Prince of Wales Opera House, Melbourne, VIC, 24 December 1879
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