Rivers of the Underground (2002)

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Event Rivers of the Underground (2002)
Venue The Boom Shed, Darwin, NT
First Date August 2002
Last Date August 2002
Dates Estimated Yes
Status Pro-Am
World Premiere No
Description What happens after we die?" is probably the oldest question in the world. What would your journey into the underworld be like if you grew up in the Northern Territory exposed to assorted cultural and spiritual beliefs. Do you face Lord Shiva, an angel with a harp, or even a Mimi-like spirit. Rivers featured a large cast of culturally diverse dancers from Hip Hop to Classical Indian to Torres Strait Islanders. Performed in a vast cavernous concrete bunker, the Boom Shed, with a live DJ where the audience was led into the underworld, to a crossroad of cultures and mythologies.

Description Source Website
Primary Genre Dance
Secondary Genre Music Theatre
Subjects Death
Name Function Notes
Julia Quinn Assistant Choreographer
Gerard Veltre Assistant Choreographer
Tim Newth Assistant Director
David Pratt Composer
Betchay Mondragon Consultant
David McMicken Director
Mark Marcelis Graphic Designer
Matthew James Lighting Designer
Petrie Bagiri Performer
Ruth Bagiri Performer
Guy Bannister Performer
Eddy Barr Performer
Tristram Boveington Performer
Zoe Crawford Performer
Nicole Cridland Performer
Evan Dixon Performer
Erwin Fenis Performer
Annie Luta Performer
Gloria Luta Performer
Lency Luta Performer
Relma Luta Performer
Veronica Luta Performer
Darren Minchin Performer
Emily Mornane Performer
Josh Mu Performer
Cristina Pantazis Performer
Emily Pegler Performer
Simon Purdy Performer
Estelle Quindara Performer
Julia Quinn Performer
Stephanie Quinn Performer
Kristy Rickert Performer
Tara Robertson Performer
Marko Taopo Performer
Gerard Veltre Performer
Yoris Wilson Performer
Text Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 99712