Event |
Zara (with Troy)
Venue |
Three Degrees, Melbourne, VIC |
Umbrella Event |
Melbourne International Comedy Festival |
First Date |
30 March 2011 |
Opening Date |
30 March 2011 |
Last Date |
21 April 2011 |
Dates Estimated |
No |
Status |
Professional Cooperative |
World Premiere |
No |
Description |
Zara has lunched with Sir Richard Branson, had a D&M with Heath Ledger, chatted to Julia Gillard, eaten sushi with John Mayer (OK...off John Mayer), talked sex with David Duchovny, turned the tables on Andrew Denton, played a frog on national TV...and spent time in a psychiatric ward (alright, three!) Ferociously funny and hilariously heartfelt, comedy diva Zara celebrates the insanity of everyday life and declares euphorically that 'Nuts is the new normal!' |
Primary Genre |
Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre |
Stand-up Comedy
Organisations |
Contributors |
Text Nationality |
Production Nationality |
Event Status |
Data Source |
Source |
Description |
Web |
Melbourne Comedy Festival Website |
Event Identifier
| 98055 |
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