The 17th Tasmanian Drama Festival (Youth Section)

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Event The 17th Tasmanian Drama Festival (Youth Section)
Venue National Theatre, Launceston, TAS
First Date 20 June 1963
Opening Date 20 June 1963
Last Date 22 June 1963
Dates Estimated No
Status Amateur
World Premiere No
Description The participants were: Brooks High C Class with The Boy With the Cart, the Sedryk Players with Michael, the Teachers' College Dramatic Society with Fools Errand, Queechy High with Queer Street, Repertory Society with Uncle Midnight, the Teachers' College Dramatic Society with Our Town, the Launceston Players with Antigone, Queechy High with Paradise Enow, the Ardenne Players with The Miracle, Howrah Primary with The Sultan and the Genii, and the Deloraine Dramatic Society Young Players with Two Aunts and a Grandmother.
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Name Function Notes
Barbara Manning Adjudicator
Ronald Tyson Front of House
John Simmons OAM Lighting Operator/Technician
Kathleen Beattie Stage Director
Ted Carney Box Office
Hugh Duncan Reservations
Pat Shackel Stage crew
Albert Sidebotham Stage crew
Dorothy Smith Stage crew
Walter Stephenson Stage crew
Walter Van Nieuwkuyk Junior Stage crew
Nina Wallbank Stage crew
Peter Wallbank Stage crew
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information The winner of the under 21 junior section of the 17th Tasmanian Drama Festival, the Examiner and Express Trophy, was the College Dramatic Society with Fools Errand. Howrah Primary School with The Sultan and the Genii won the under 17 junior category and also the Launceston Players Shield for the best original play.
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme CHS 15, 6/3, Launceston Players Society Collection, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Newspaper The Examiner, 24 June 1963, p. 10.
Event Identifier 97884