Saturday Night

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Event Saturday Night
Venue Melbourne Recital Centre, Southbank, VIC
Umbrella Event A Sondheim Triptych
First Date 20 September 2010
Opening Date 20 September 2010
Last Date 20 September 2010
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional Cooperative
World Premiere No
Description In 1953, SATURDAY NIGHT was set to mark the Broadway debut of a young, new writer - Stephen Sondheim. Owing to the death of of the original producer the New York opening (which starred Australia's own David Campbell) was delayed some 47 years! Brimming with charm and youthful vitality, SATURDAY NIGHT is a captivating story of love, ambition and friendship set during the last days before the Great Depression. This rollicking adventure follows a group of Brooklyn boys trying to make their fortunes on the stock market of 1929, with as many romantic entanglements as possible along the way!
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Musical
Name Function Notes
Bernard Angel Actor Bobby
Chris Durling Actor Artie
Claire George Actor Helen
Casey Gould Actor Ray
Trevor Jones Actor Clune & others
Carla Kissane Actor Celeste
Sam Ludeman Actor Ted
Matthew McFarlane Actor Hank
Jensen Overend Actor Eugene
Montana Perrin Actor Mildred
Andrew Strano Actor Dino
Lara Thew Actor Darlita
Zac Tyler Actor Gene
Rod Waterworth Actor Mr Fletcher
Mark Doggett Actor and Singer Mr Fisher & others
Stephen Sondheim Author
Alana Scanlan Choreographer
Stephen Sondheim Composer
Christina Logan-Bell Designer
Terence O'Connell Director
Lucy Birkinshaw Lighting Designer
Vicky Jacobs Musical Director
Dean Mitchelmore Stage Manager
Julius J Epstein Writer
Philip G Epstein Writer
Text Nationality United States of America
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Event Identifier 86229