Sharon, Keep Ya Hair On!

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Event Sharon, Keep Ya Hair On!
Venue Cairns Civic Theatre, Cairns, QLD
First Date 5 September 2005
Opening Date 5 September 2005
Last Date 6 September 2005
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description Based on the books by Gillian Rubinstein and David Mackintosh. This funny, funky, wild and wacky production about adapting to change features a mix of music, song, live video projection, children's art and structured play.

3 shows
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Children's Theatre
Artist(s) with disability
Name Function Notes
Gillian Rubinstein Author
Sam Lohs Composer
Catherine Oates Composer
Mel Watson Composer
Gaelle Mellis Designer
Dave Brown Director
Geoff Cobham Lighting Designer
Bob Weatherly Lighting Operator/Technician
James Sweeney Musician
Ian Moorhead Performer
Libby O'Donovan Performer
Catherine Oates Performer
Astrid Pill Performer
Bob Weatherly Production Manager
Ben Snodgrass Technician
Sean Weatherly Technician
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Cast List
Event Identifier 77685