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Event Tommy
Venue Cairns Civic Theatre, Cairns, QLD
First Date 2 June 1982
Last Date 5 June 1982
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description As a child Tommy is thought to be orphaned. He sees his stepfather shoot his real father when the latter returns after having been thought dead. The boy goes into shock, seemingly deaf, dumb and blind. 'As a youth Tommy becomes a pinball wizzard, despite, or perhaps because of his disability. He undergoes some horrific experiences at the hands of deviant relatives with whom mother and stepfather leave him.
Tommy's deafness, dumbness and blindness is an analogy of contemporary man's ignorance.
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Subjects Blindness
Name Function Notes
Aku Kadogo Choreographer
Anthony Babicci Designer
Peter Barclay Director
Pete Townshend Music and Lyrics Librettist
John Rush Musical Director
Ross Brewer Sound Designer
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Book Performing Arts Year Book of Australia 1981
Event Identifier 138475