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Event Peddling
Venue Wangaratta Arts Centre, Wangaratta , VIC
First Date 19 May 2016
Last Date 19 May 2016
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description The Boy’s at your door trying to sell you the essentials of life: you know, bin bags, Chux wipes, loo roll, that sort of stuff, except the price is premium. For as his laminated ID says, he’s selling on behalf of the Mayor’s Young Offenders’ Scheme. But you know the scheme’s just a scam, so you give the door a slam and never give the kid another thought. Maybe you should, though, because going house to house and taking your abuse is not what he’d be doing if he could help it. He’s just a boy peddler peddling as fast as he can, trying not to slip down the cracks.

From Harry Melling (Dudley
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Name Function Notes
Darcy Brown Actor
Kelly Ryall Composer
Marg Howell Costume Designer
Susie Dee Director
Andy Turner Lighting Designer
Bec Matthews Musician
Marg Howell Set Designer
Kelly Ryall Sound Designer
Harry Melling Writer
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 137823