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Event Statespeare
Venue Cairns Civic Theatre, Cairns, QLD
First Date 21 July 2011
Last Date 21 July 2011
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description Is Shakespeare still relevant? It's the first rehearsal for the year 12's Performance Task and Lachlan and Nerys know that with their knowledge of The Bard they cannot fail. But their allocated group members Jay and Rob don't know the difference between Shakespeare and Schwarzenegger.

As this foursome discuss, debate and rehearse their assignment, not only do they find themselves unravelling a few school yard rumours, but they become swept up into some of Shakespeare's most famous plays including A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello, Romeo & Juliet,
Description Source Production Company
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Children's Theatre
Subjects Education
Name Function Notes
Ross Balbuziente Actor
Judy Hainsworth Actor
Nelle Lee Actor
Nick Skubij Actor
Ross Balbuziente Creator
Nelle Lee Creator
Nick Skubij Creator
Joshua McIntosh Designer
Ben Hughes Lighting Designer
Guy Webster Sound Designer
Shaun O'Rourke Stage Manager
Scott Barton Technician
Michael Gill Technician
Nelle Lee Writer
William Shakespeare Writer
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Production Company
Event Identifier 136873