King Lear

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Event King Lear
Venue His Majesty's Theatre, Perth, WA
First Date 10 September 1959
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Name Function Notes
John Alden Actor Lear
William Austin Actor The Fool
Anthony Bazell Actor Earl of Gloucester
Malcolm Billings Actor Duke of Burgundy
Edward Brayshaw Actor Edgar
Leonard Bullen Actor Earl of Kent
John Cousins Actor A Doctor
John Craig Actor Knight
Roy Drury Actor Knight
John Frawley Actor Duke of Cornwall
Fernande Glyn Actor Regan
Michael Laurence Actor King of France
John Laurie Actor Lear
Kenneth Lawrence Actor A Herald
Barry Lovett Actor The Fool
Terry McDermott Actor Duke of Albany
Jessica Noad Actor Goneril
Phillip Ross Actor Oswald
Mavis Turner Actor Cordelia
John Unicomb Actor Edmund
William Rees Assistant Producer
John Cousins Assistant Stage Manager
Brian Madge Assistant Stage Manager
Alistair Roberts Costume Designer
Maurice Sullivan Designer
Franz Molford Musical Arranger
John Alden Producer
William Akers Stage Manager
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme University of Adelaide Theatre Collection
Event Identifier 130416