Who Are You

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Event Who Are You
Venue Melbourne Metropolitan Secondary Schools, Melbourne, VIC
First Date October 1986
Last Date December 1986
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description WHO ARE YOU? traced a year in the lives of Angelo and Angela as they found their dreams and ambitions frustrated by their cultural backgrounds. The play was predominantly a text-based work for actors in which the teenagers found a balance between their families' expectations, and the popular culture and peer pressures which surrounded them. The production toured to upper secondary school audiences around Melbourne metropolitan schools in 1986 but did not remain in Handspan's repertoire once its performers became committed in other multicultural focused projects that were emerging in Melbourne.
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Drama
Subjects Multicultural
Name Function Notes
Mary Coustas Actor Angela
Roberto Micale Actor Angelo
Carmelina di Guglielmo Consultant
Ken Evans Designer
Mary Coustas Devisor
Roberto Micale Devisor
Andrea Lemon Dramaturg/e
Peter Seaborn Realisation
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information Melbourne metropolitan school touring
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Web www.handspantheatre.com.au
Event Identifier 126414