The Haunted

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Event The Haunted
Venue Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs, NT
Umbrella Event Breakout Festival
First Date 9 October 1985
Opening Date 9 October 1985
Last Date 11 October 1985
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description A fortuitous meeting3 in Alice Springs between Ken Evans and Central Australian cultural advisor, Clive Scollay, led to the opportunity for the evolving work to be further researched in a cultural exchange residency at Angajta outstation in South Australia. It led too, to Handspan’s engagement of Peter Oyston to develop and direct the work through a Theatre Laboratory experience based on Peter Brook’s methods that created The Conference of the Birds in Africa4.
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Puppetry
Visual Theatre
Subjects Colonial
Indigenous People
Race relations
Name Function Notes
Greg Sneddon Composer
Clive Scollay Consultant Cultural
June Laurie Costume Co-ordinator
Ken Evans Designer
Peter Oyston Devisor
Peter Oyston Director
Helen Rickards Dramaturg/e
Philip Lethlean Lighting Designer
Philip Lethlean Lighting Operator/Technician
Carmelina di Guglielmo Performer Niece
Andrew Hansen Performer Brian
Andrea Lemon Performer Robyn
Avril McQueen Performer Katrina
Ian Mortimer Performer Helmut
Lizz Talbot Performer Erica
Helen Rickards Producer
Phillip Millar Puppet Designer
Dorothy Rickards Puppet Designer
Peter J Wilson Puppetry Consultant
Ken Evans Realisation Visual
Philip Lethlean Realisation Visual
Joy Dewey Researcher
Doron Kipen Sound Operator/Engineer
David Hope Stage Manager
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information Created for the inaugural Next Wave Festival. Devised by Oyston and developed with the company.
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Data Reviewed By Sean Weatherly (SeanWeatherly) on 16 October 2016
Event Identifier 125949