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Event Footloose
Venue Mt Nelson Theatre, Mount Nelson, TAS
First Date July 2009
Last Date July 2009
Dates Estimated No
Status Youth Theatre
World Premiere No
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Musical
Subjects Dance
Name Function Notes
Brian Andrews Actor Coach Dunbar
Heather Banks Actor Betty Blast
Lizzy Barnes-Keoghan Actor High School Student
Sara Brown Actor Ethel McCormack
Michael Bruce Actor High School Student
Jan Butler Actor Head Chorister
Fiannah de Rue Actor High School Student
Veronica Devlin Actor High School Student
Zeb Direen Actor Lyle/Jeter
Molly Fox Actor High School Student
Alessandro Frosali Actor Ren McCormack
Jakalyn Gatwood Actor Ariel Moore
Wayne Gatwood Actor Wes Warnicker
Alex Gill Actor Rusty
Scott Hunt Actor Reverend Moore
Patrick Ingram Actor Travis/Bickle
Stephanie Jay Actor Wendy Jo
Noreen Le Mottee Actor Vi Moore
Ashleigh Meades-Richards Actor Urleen
Tyler Nielsen Actor Willard Hewitt
Graeme Paine Actor Principal
Heather Paveley Actor High School Student
Julie Raphael Actor Eleanor Dunbar
Cameron Sibly Actor Chuck Cranston
Pip Tyrrell Actor Lulu Warnicker
Rosalind Walker Actor Police Officer
Leah Wishart Actor High School Student
Craig Wood Actor Cowboy Bob
Charlea Edwards Choreographer
Tess Hansen Choreographer
Jo-Ellen Bird Costume Co-ordinator
Graeme Paine Director
Jason James Lighting Designer
Craig Wood Musical Director
Jo-Ellen Bird Production Manager
Jon Bowling Set and/or Property Maker
Jon Bowling Set Designer
Malcolm Battersby Sound Designer
Nicole Schiwy Stage Manager
Text Nationality United States of America
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
The Noreen Le Mottee Collection Programme
Event Identifier 124114