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Event Kitsch
Venue Nimrod Downstairs, Surry Hills, NSW
Umbrella Event Late Night Show
First Date 2 July 1982
Opening Date 2 July 1982
Last Date 8 August 1982
Dates Estimated Yes
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description Kitsch or Australiana or a minuet from Fraser country you can taste the difference or can you avoid a Baldwin bashing and win a humanitarian award or a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush or but please be careful...
Primary Genre Other
Secondary Genre Performance Art
Subjects Australian National Identity
Name Function Notes
Christine Koltai Choreographer
Peter Flynn Devisor
Mike Mullins Devisor
Hisao Nakamura Media Artist
Mike Mullins Performer
Glenda Johnson Stage Manager
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information Sourced from programme for Nimrod's production of Burn Victim, 1982. Mullin's character 'No-one' was an earlier creation so the production was not considered a premiere.
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme Dennis Wolanski Library collection at UNSW Library
Australian Drama Project (UQ) KITSCHOMM
Event Identifier 11901