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Event Faust
Venue Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA
First Date 22 August 2015
Last Date 29 August 2015
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description Faust, disillusioned with a life of study, laments the life and love that has passed him by. In vain, he tries to end it, but in frustration, strikes an infernal deal whereby he buys the services of Mephistopheles while on earth in exchange for his soul, which will belong to the Devil after death.
Mephistopheles shows Faust a vision of the beautiful and chaste Marguerite. Through trickery and deception, Faust wins the heart of Marguerite, diverting her from young and honest suitors with gifts and jewels procured as part of his demonic contract.
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Opera
Name Function Notes
Cherie Boogaart Actor and Singer Siebel
James Egglestone Actor and Singer Faust
Desiree Frahn Actor and Singer Martha
Michael Honeyman Actor and Singer Valentin
Kate Ladner Actor and Singer Marguerite
Teddy Tahu Rhodes Actor and Singer Mephistopheles
Joshua Rowe Actor and Singer Wagner
Shane Placentino Assistant Director Revival Choreographer
Marie Docking Assistant Stage Manager
Alexandra Bollard Chorus
Meran Bow Chorus
Eleanor Brasted Chorus
Courtney Bridge Chorus
Deborah Caddy Chorus
Catherine Campbell Chorus
Lisa Cannizzaro Chorus
Nicholas Cannon Chorus
Gabi Carter Chorus
David Cox Chorus
Carolyn Crowley Chorus
Peter Deane Chorus
Michael Denholm Chorus
Adam Goodburn Chorus
Daniel Goodburn Chorus
Michelle Grootenboer Chorus
Monica Hanusiak-Klavins Chorus
Kristen Hardy Chorus
Naomi Hede Chorus
Sidonie Henbest Chorus
Norbert Hohl Chorus
Greg John Chorus
Deborah Johnson Chorus
Reece Keane Chorus
Rodney Kirk Chorus
Sara Lambert Chorus
Roslyn Lock Chorus
Branko Lovrinov Chorus
Gerry Masi Chorus
Mark Oates Chorus
Sarah Jane Pattichis Chorus
Evan Patton Chorus
David Perry Chorus
Graeme Pitt Chorus
Barbara Rennison Chorus
Joshua Rowe Chorus
Beau Sandford Chorus
Lynne Smythe Chorus
Valentyna Solowij Chorus
Paul Talbot Chorus
Jenn Tranter Chorus
Andrew Turner Chorus
Hew Wagner Chorus
Christopher Webb Chorus
Tim Wilson Chorus
Timothy Sexton Chorus Master/Mistress
Kynan Johns Conductor
Brigitte Reiffenstuel Costume Designer
Sharon Backley-Astrachian Dancer
Jana Castillo Dancer
Fleur Conlon Dancer
Rain Francis Dancer
Georgina Hagerty Dancer
Jessica Hesketh Dancer
Olivia Jenkins Dancer
Scott Lazarevich Dancer
Teagan Lowe Dancer
Chimene Steele-Prior Dancer
Natasha Usmar Dancer
Jess Nash Deputy Stage Manager
David McVicar Director Original
Bruno Ravella Director Revival
Rob McPherson Lecturer Fight Coordinator
Christine Rothauser Lecturer French Language Coach
Paule Constable Lighting Designer
Melissa Colley Properties Master/Mistress Assistant
Angela De Palma Properties Master/Mistress
Charles Edwards Set Designer
Nicola Keene Stage Manager
Jordan Hart Supernumerary
Jordan Henley-Twartz Supernumerary
Tyson Olson Supernumerary
Paris Whitridge Supernumerary
Nicholas Winter Supernumerary
Sarah Wormald Supernumerary
Andrew Georg
Mark Sandon
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme University of Adelaide BSL Special Collections, Theatre Collection
Web http://saopera.sa.gov.au/faust/
Event Identifier 112544