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Event Oklahoma!
Venue Her Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC
First Date 9 November 1982
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description Production of American musical.
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Musical
Name Function Notes
Peter Bishop Actor Will Parker
Elijah Brodsky Actor Slim
Sally Butterfield Actor Laurey
Noel Craven Actor Ike
John Diedrich Actor Curly
Kathryn Dineen Actor Jane
Kay Eklund Actor Aunt Eller
Adrienne Grummet Actor Doris
Fiona Hallett Actor Dorothea
Bill Handley Actor Mark
Jacqueline Handley Actor Gertie Cummings
Robin Harrison Actor Jud Fry
Clive Hearne Actor Andrew Carnes
Michael-John Hurney Actor Junior
Jaya Jamieson Actor Clara
Hartly Johnston Actor Sam
Ian Lake Actor Earl
Donna Lee Actor Ado Annie Carnes
Roger Lemke Actor Joe
Neil MacKinnon Actor Fred
Lisa McGregor Actor Paulette
Neil Melville Actor Cord Elam
Marika Pelsoczy Actor Vivienne
Jo-Anne Robinson Actor Laurey in Ballet
Anthony Ryvers Actor Curly in Ballet
Greg Shand Actor Luke
Michael Spargo Actor Archie
Nadia Strahan Actor Child
Gerry Symonds Actor Tom
Henri Szeps Actor Ali Hakim
Glenn Henrich Assistant Musical Director
Ray Begley Ballet Master/Mistress Jake
Oscar Hammerstein Book and Lyrics Librettist
Agnes de Mille Choreographer
Richard Rodgers Composer
Lisa-Jane Ames Dancer
Laura Bishop Dancer
Andrea Gaze Dancer
Leanne O'Farrell Dancer
Fiona-Gaye Snowden Dancer
Cath Williams Dancer
Tim Goodchild Designer
James Hammerstein Director
Richard Pilbrow Lighting Designer
Ray Cook Musical Director
James Thane Production Manager
Gemze De Lappe Stage Director
Text Nationality United States of America
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information Programme found in box of Old Tote Theatre programmes dated 1963-1974 in folder notated AG2/OA - O'M'. It contains biographies and photos of the creators and cast. (Same programme as 1982 Adelaide Festival production .)
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme Mark Gogoll
Programme Dennis Wolanski Library collection at UNSW Library
Event Identifier 110463