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Event Lohengrin
Venue The State Theatre, Melbourne, VIC
First Date 20 November 1985
Opening Date 20 November 1985
Last Date 7 December 1985
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description First production to fully utilise the back & side stages of the new State Theatre. The final scene was spectacular as the upstage wagon loaded with cast and brightly backlit moved down to the audience as the trumpeters played
Description Source Personal Opinion
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Opera
Name Function Notes
Christopher Bogg Actor Noble
David Brennan Actor Herald
Karen Bureau Actor Elsa of Brabant
Geoffrey Chard Actor Frederick of Telramund
Ian Cousins Actor Noble
Marion Ewen Actor Page
Nance Grant Actor Ortrud
Ruth Gurner Actor Pages
Roger Lemke Actor Noble
Noel Mangin Actor Henry the Fowler King of Germany
Jeannie Marsh Actor Page
Alberto Remedios Actor Lohengrin
Edwin Roberts Actor Noble
Jennifer Turner Actor Page
Victoria Rowell Assistant Designer
Ken Campbell-Dobbie Assistant Director
Robert Taylor Assistant Stage Manager
Trevor Alexander Chorus
Pauline Ashleigh-Marum Chorus
Julian Bailey Chorus
Patricia Ball Chorus
Stanislaw Bragiel Chorus
Marion Brentnall Chorus
Dianne Briffa Chorus
Len Britton Chorus
Helen Burnham Chorus
Stanislaw Cauchy Chorus
Peter Chapple Chorus
Alan Clark Chorus
Barry Clarke Chorus
Adrian Collette Chorus
Kathleen Connell Chorus
Roland Cropley Chorus
Lucas de Jong Chorus
Ian Dickson Chorus
Patrice Dolan Chorus
John English Chorus
Claude Fabris Chorus
Wendy Farnan-Dale Chorus
Glenn Flavin Chorus
Lola Gibney Chorus
Michael Graham Chorus
John Hales Chorus
Peter Hannah Chorus
Peter Harbinson Chorus
Tony Jenkins Chorus
Jerzy Kozlowski Chorus
Ian Lake Chorus
Denise Lansell Chorus
Mary Lawrey Chorus
Robin Luke Chorus
John Marshall Chorus
John Marum Chorus
Gloden Mercer Chorus
Paul Nolan Chorus
Louise O'Loughlin Chorus
Bette Opitz Chorus
Jennifer Parish Chorus
Rodney Phillips Chorus
William Porsche Chorus
Gregory Rekers Chorus
Mary Ryan Chorus
Ariel Saltmarsh Chorus
Barbara Sambell Chorus
Graham Sattler Chorus
Stephen Shirrefs Chorus
Robert Stenton Chorus
Adrian van den Bergen Chorus
Rodney Vapp Chorus
Suzanne Ward Chorus
Victoria Watson Chorus
Bruce Williams Chorus
Lionel Wood Chorus
Evan Zachariah Chorus
Richard Wagner Composer
Richard Divall Conductor
Kenneth Rowell Designer
August Everding Director
Elke Neidhardt Director
Nick Schlieper Lighting Designer
Anne Reid Stage Manager
Tom Blair Supernumerary
Text Nationality Germany
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information Cast also included 4 trumpeters onstage, 16 children, 14 supernumeries. Margreta Elkins had to withdraw at short notice & Nance Grant took on the role
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Book A Life of Curtain Calls
Programme Mark Gogoll
Event Identifier 107723