Julius Caesar

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Event Julius Caesar
Venue Mackay Entertainment Centre, Mackay, QLD
First Date 1 October 2011
Last Date 1 October 2011
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description "Peter Evans, Bell Shakespeare's Associate Artistic Director, takes this momentous piece of Roman history and transports it to the corridors of backroom politics. This time, when Caesar gets the axe, it's the media who roar like an angry mob. This sharp political drama puts friendship to the test and reveals a stark contrast between our intentions and our actions."
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Historical
Subjects Politics
Name Function Notes
Keith Agius Actor
Rebecca Bower Actor
Daniel Frederiksen Actor
Benedict Hardie Actor
Katie-Jean Harding Actor
Alex Menglet Actor
Colin Moody Actor
Kate Mulvany Actor
Gareth Reeves Actor
James Wardlaw Actor
Imara Savage Assistant Director
Kelly Ryall Composer
Anna Cordingley Designer
Peter Evans Director
Nigel Poulton Fight Director
Paul Jackson Lighting Designer
William Shakespeare Playwright
Natasha McNamara Voice Coach
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Web http://www.bellshakespeare.com.au/whatson/2011/juliuscaesar
Event Identifier 104641