Royal Gala Performance

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Event Royal Gala Performance
Venue Tivoli Theatre (1932-1969), Sydney, NSW
First Date 6 February 1954
Opening Date 6 February 1954
Last Date 6 February 1954
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description A Royal Gala Performance in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. The programme included Sydney Symphony Orchestra, National Opera of Australia, The Devil Take Her, Corroboree.
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Variety
Name Function Notes
Beth Dean Choreographer
Tommy Trinder Comedian
John Antill Composer
Arthur Benjamin Composer
Ernest Llewellyn Concert Master
Eugene Goossens Conductor
Bernard Heinze Conductor
Joseph Post Conductor
William Constable Costume Designer
Robin Lovejoy Costume Designer
Moira Claux Dancer
Alex Crethar Dancer
Ray Evans Dancer
Helene Ffrance Dancer
Arvid Fibigs Dancer
Ruth Galene Dancer
Bruno Harvey Dancer
Vladislavs Leonaitis Dancer
Patricia MacDonald Dancer
Jon Marten Dancer
Aina Reega Dancer
Elaine Vallance Dancer
Vija Vetra Dancer
Henry Gilbert Musical Advisor
Adrian Holland Musical Advisor
Clement Kennedy Set Designer
Geoffrey Chard Singer
Ronald Dowd Singer
Neil Easton Singer
Robert Eddie Singer
Beryl Hardy Singer
Yusef Kayrooz Singer
Alan Light Singer
Frank Lisle Singer
Gladys Mawson Singer
Gladys Miller Singer
Rachel Neale Singer
Robert O'Donnell Singer
Betty Prentice Singer
Jacqueline Talbot Singer
Tais Taras Singer
Victor Carell Stage Manager
John L Clugston Stage Manager
John Dudley Stage Manager
Joan Holcombe Wardrobe Master/Mistress
Gladys Jennings Wardrobe Master/Mistress
William P Robinson Wardrobe Master/Mistress
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information National Library also holds a ticket for this date with the handwritten names of "Mr and Mrs Richard Scandrett" on the verso of the ticket. Included Arthur Benjamin's opera The Devil Take Her (one Act)
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme PROMPT Collection, National Library of Australia
Event Identifier 102992