The Fairy's Wings

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Event The Fairy's Wings
Venue Earl Arts Centre, Launceston, TAS
First Date 26 June 2001
Last Date 27 June 2001
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description The Fairy's Wings tells the magical story of Mabby, a fairy who loses her wings. They are special wings with special powers and without them Mabby can't get to the full moon dance - heck she can't even get to the end of the garden.

Meanwhile a little girl called Tania, whilst making a special fairy garden, discovers a pair of wings. Maybe they are fairy's wings? Her brother Troy is sceptical, "Fairies DON?T EXIST!!"

Whilst Tania and Troy argue over the wings, Mabby has troubles of her own. A fairy is not a fairy without her wings. So what is she? And where did her powers go?

Thanks to Wilbur the worm and Cyril the snail Tania finally realises how urgently Mabby needs her wings back.

Mabby gets to go to the full moon dance and dances in the moonlight madness.

And Troy? He realises that just because you can't see something, it doesn't mean it's not real!
Description Source Website
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Children's Theatre
Name Function Notes
Eva Di Cesare Actor
Jenelle Favarro Actor
Tim McGarry Actor
Sandra Eldridge Adaptor
Mark Thompson Designer
David Bell Director
John Saunders Director
Gillian Rubinstein Writer
Text Nationality Australia
Production Nationality Australia
Further Information
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Web Monkey Baa Theatre Company's web archive
Event Identifier 1023