The Yeomen of the Guard

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Event The Yeomen of the Guard
Venue His Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, VIC
First Date 1 May 1926
Last Date 15 May 1926
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Operetta
Name Function Notes
Charles Bradley Actor Second Citizen
Thomas Broderick Actor Fourth Yeoman
Leo Darnton Actor Leonard Meryll
Lance Fairfax Actor Sir R. Cholomondeley
Mabel Gibson Actor Phoebe Meryll
Sydney Granville Actor Wilfred Shadbolt
James Hay Actor Colonel Fairfax
Moran Hilford Actor Third Yeoman
Henry Jackson Actor The Headsman
Bernard Manning Actor Sergeant Meryll
Dallas Murton Actor First Citizen
William Neilsen Actor First Yeoman
Vernon Robertson Actor Second Yeoman
Patti Russell Actor Kate
Charles Walenn Actor Jack Point
Winifred Williamson Actor Dame Carruthers
Strella Wilson Actor Elsie Maynard
Arthur Seymour Sullivan Composer
William Schwenck Gilbert Librettist
Minnie Everett Producer
Text Nationality England
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Event Identifier 102177