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Event Kismet
Venue Mayfair Academy Theatre, Goodwood, SA
First Date 4 March 1983
Opening Date 4 March 1983
Last Date 19 March 1983
Dates Estimated No
Status Amateur
World Premiere No
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Musical
Name Function Notes
Felicity Baldock Actor Marsinah
Sally Bithell Actor Slave
Jill Borrett Actor Chorus
Steuart Bronson Actor Attendant
Ian Brown Actor Hajj
Ian Campbell Actor Muezzins
Noel Carthew Actor Muezzins
Sharon Cocks Actor Ayah to Samaris
Yvonne Coker Actor Ayah to Zubbediya
David Cox Actor Hajj
Megan Dansie Actor Chorus
Erica Gabb Actor Noble Women
Robyn Geyer Actor Princess
Brian Gilbertson Actor The Caliph
Timothy Goodes Actor Slave Merchant
Jim Hector Actor Jawan
John Hills Actor Beggar
Irene Horner Actor Attendant
Janet Horner Actor Chorus
Margaret Karagianis Actor Princess
Ann Karas Actor Chorus
Irene Karczewski Actor Chorus
Linda Kirk Actor Princess
John Lanigan-O'Keeffe Actor Muezzins
Ken Mackie Actor Attendant
Ian Martlew Actor Imam
Gerard Masi Actor Chorus
Anna McLeod Actor Slave
Malcolm McNicol Actor Muezzins
Bill Mitchell Actor Hassan Ben
Drew Morton Actor Executioner
Bill O'Day Actor Omar
Philip Pain Actor Wazir of Police
Vera Palazoff Actor Lalume
Lyndon Piddington Actor Muezzins
Barbara Pierce Actor Perfume Seller
Margi Pinczel Actor Chorus
Merelyn Randall-Smart Actor Noble Women
David Reed Actor Taman
Cheryl Schwarz Actor Chorus
Reagan Shandler Actor Street Dancer
Diane Smith Actor Slave
Michael Smith Actor Akbar
Aileen Sparrow Actor Noble Women
Roslyn Stallard Actor Attendant
Simon Stedman Actor Shoe Merchant
Tony Stockley Actor Policeman
Sue Templer Actor Attendant
Margaret Vincent Actor Flower Seller
Peter Warman Actor Beggar
Dick Watson Actor Policeman
Richard Watson Actor Wazir of Police
Craig Williams Actor Assiz
Fiona Williams Actor Fruit Seller
Peta Williams Actor Princess Zubbediya
Rhys Williams Actor Snake Seller
Janette Woolfall Actor Slave
Michael Fuller Choreographer
Wendy Moyle Choreographer
Doris Dodd Director
Luther Davis Librettist
Charles Lederer Librettist
George Forrest Music and Lyrics Librettist
Robert Wright Music and Lyrics Librettist
Verdon Williams Musical Director
Edward Knoblock Playwright
Text Nationality United States of America
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme Mayfair
Event Identifier 101377