The Strike Plays 1: Waihi 1912

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Event The Strike Plays 1: Waihi 1912
Venue Radio Broadcast, New Zealand
First Date 11 October 1982
Last Date 11 October 1982
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description A three-part radio drama series that dramatises the 1912 Waihi mine strike, the 1932 Queen St riot and the little-known 1942 Hellaby's strike, and traces the development of the left during the first half of the century. PLay 1 deals with the Waihi goldminers' strike and the miners' struggle against the mine owners, the company union, government and police.
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Drama
Subjects Politics
Name Function Notes
Roy Billing Actor Graham
Bill Cole Actor Rhodes
Alistair Douglas Actor Donnelly
Jacqui Dunn Actor Bronny
Norman Forsey Actor Cullen
Philip Holder Actor Sheard
Sydney Jackson Actor Parry
Merv Smith Actor Semple
David Weatherley Actor Charlie
Mark Wright Actor Tim
Stephen Riley Director
Dean Parker Playwright
Text Nationality New Zealand
Production Nationality New Zealand
Further Information Play one: the 1912 Waihi mine strike.
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 192752