The Private Secretary

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Event The Private Secretary
Venue Princess Theatre, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
First Date 16 December 1889
Last Date December 1889
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Part of a Tour Yes
Description The Private Secretary, a 'knock-out farce' opened at the Princess, Dunedin, on Boxing Night (1889) to a house so full that admission had to be refused at 8 o'clock…Thornton had played the part of Rev. Robert Spalding 700 times in England, America and elswhere.
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Farce
Name Function Notes
Allen Actor Gardiner
Emma Bronton Actor MIss Stead
Charles Brown Actor Mr Sydney Gibson
W G Carey Actor Marsland
Frank Cates Actor Douglas Cattermole
E C Corlesse Actor Old Mr Cattermole
Ada Lee Actor Edith Marsland
A McIntyre Actor John
Eille Norwood Actor Harry Marsland
Lilian Seccombe Actor Eva Webster
Annie Taylor Actor Miss Ashford
Frank Thornton Actor Rev Robert Spalding
Willoughby Actor Knox
Charles Hawtrey Playwright
Text Nationality England
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 189647