Inadmissible Evidence

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Event Inadmissible Evidence
Venue Downstage Theatre @ Walkabout (1964 -1971), Wellington, New Zealand
First Date 1 October 1968
Last Date October 1968
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description Maitland, a solicitor, is on trial in the opening scene, and the play shifts repeatedly from 'reality' to the trial. Maitland's private life is in chaos. Both his marriages have been unsuccessful; he has lost touch with his daughter; he loses his girls, alienates his clients and his colleagues no longer respect him.
Primary Genre Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre Drama
Name Function Notes
Arianthe Garland Actor Shirley/Mrs Garnsey/Mrs Tonks/Mrs Anderson/Liz, Maitland's mistress
Ray Henwood Actor Bill Maitland
Tony Isaac Actor Jones
Frances Light Actor Jane
Cecily Polson Actor Joy
Alex Trousdell Actor Hudson
Raymond Boyce Designer
William Austin Director
John Osborne Playwright
Text Nationality England
Event Status Completed
Event Identifier 187279