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Event Kismet
Venue Whitehorse Centre, Nunawading, VIC
First Date 28 May 2010
Last Date 5 June 2010
Dates Estimated No
Status Amateur
World Premiere No
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Musical
Name Function Notes
Peter Bayliss Actor Kasim, a Fig and Orange Merchant
Adrian Boulton Actor Kafur, a Muezzin/Silk Merchant
Richard Burman Actor Omar Khayyam
Malcolm Coghill Actor Amru, Chief of Police/Brigand
Larry Dalton Actor Hassan-Ben, a Brigand
Benedict Drew-Robinson Actor Kutayt, a Policeman/Beggar
Brad Ericson Actor Mansur, The Wazir
Marijke Franken Actor Princess Zubbediya of Zanzibar
Emma Halpin Actor Shanti, a Slave Girl
Dallas Homewood Actor Yasim, a Peddlar/Wazir's Spy
Anthony Julian Actor Aby Sim, a Muezzin/Silk Merchant
Seamus Kavanagh Actor Sahim, a Peddlar
Reuben Kwong Actor Akbar, a Policeman/Beggar
Peter Levey Actor Zayd, a Policeman/Brigand
Virginia Lin Actor Narjis, a Marriage Arranger
Tim McDonald Actor Mahmoud, Imam of the Mosque/Bangle Man
Alison McIntosh Actor Princess Samahris of Turkestan
Ashley McPherson Actor Hajj, The Poet
Stephanie Moore Actor Sasha, a Slave Girl
Daniel Mottau Actor Abdullah, The Caliph
Skye Nichol Actor Abbu, a Princess of Ababu
Konstantina Samart Actor Sheba, a Slave Girl
Mia Sartori Actor Scherezade, a Slave Girl
Tom Senior Actor Azziz, a Policeman/Beggar
Lauren Seymour Actor Miskah, Attendant to Lalume
Rod Skinner Actor Jawan, Master Brigand
Suzanne Skinner Actor Kabirah - Ayah to Samahris
Laura Slavin Actor Marsinah. The Poet's Daughter
Judy Sporton Actor Widow Yussef
Jennifer Teoh Actor Abbi, a Princess of Ababu
Angeline Thompson Actor Kut-Al-Kalub, known as Lalume
Paul Tooby Actor Saheem, a Muezzin/Pearl Merchant
Robert Van Keulen Actor Saad, a Muezzin
Kathryn Zachariah Actor Abba, a Princess of Ababu
Sarah Somers Associate Director Ballet/Dance Costumes Marketing Program
Charles Lederer Author Book
Joanne Watt Choreographer
Olwyn Beare Costume Co-ordinator Front of House Manager
Win Clark Costume Co-ordinator
Margaret Gordon-Addison Costume Co-ordinator
Sue Halls Costume Co-ordinator
Sarah Sheldon Costume Co-ordinator
Lyn Simmonds Costume Co-ordinator
Ros Thompson Costume Designer
Rachel Buckley Director
Darren Hogeboom Graphic Designer
Daniel Chapman Lighting Designer Production Manager Set Construction Fly Crew
George Forrest Music and Lyrics Librettist
Robert Wright Music and Lyrics Librettist
Hamish Paterson Musical Director
Graeme Burnham Musician: Pianist Rehearsal
Shirley White Musician: Pianist Rehearsal
Owen Davies Production Manager Program Actor, Afife, the Prosecutor/Slave Merchant
Keith Spottiswood Properties Officer
Warren Dodd Set and/or Property Maker Fly Crew
Chris Oldershaw Set and/or Property Maker
Royce Williams Set and/or Property Maker
Katherine Branch Set Designer
Alex O'Neill Stage Crew
Peta Costello Stage Crew
Kylie Digby Stage Crew
Gillian Dodd Stage Crew
Paul Dodd Stage Crew
Rohan Dodd Stage Crew
Siobhan Earley Stage Crew
Simon Eastwood Stage Crew
Simon Evans Stage Crew
Lauren Hair Stage Crew
Michele Lindsay Stage Crew
Mark Oldman Stage Crew
Brendan Osborne Stage Crew
Andrew Rogers Stage Crew
George Rustean Stage Crew
Neil Spitzer Stage Crew
Cameron Waters Stage Crew
Laura Waters Stage Crew
Jessica Watson Stage Crew
Alana Jones Stage Manager
Luke Dixon Lighting Board Operator
Lindsay Kremler Dome Operator
Chris LeMiere
Emily Prince Dome Operator
Yasmin 'Yaz' Sesta Dome Operator
Fleur Thiemeyer Ballet/Dance Costumes
Text Nationality United States of America
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme Review programme Cheryl Threadgold
Event Identifier 160340