Dance of the Earth / Romantic Suite

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Event Dance of the Earth / Romantic Suite
Venue Princess Theatre (1886- ), Melbourne, VIC
Umbrella Event National Theatre Festival of the Arts 1949
First Date June 1949
Opening Date April 1949
Last Date July 1949
Dates Estimated Yes
Status Professional
World Premiere Yes
Part of a Tour Yes
Description Presented by The National Theatre Ballet Company, one of the National Theatre Movement's three professional companies. World Premiere of Romantic Suite (John Field). First production by new Ballet Company was Aurora's Wedding which opened 9 June 1949. After the Melbourne season it toured to Adelaide and then 9 Victorian towns.
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Dance
Secondary Genre Ballet
Related Events
Name Function Notes
Jean Alexander Choreographer Dance of the Earth
John Field Composer Romantic Suite
Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky Composer Dance of the Earth
James Penberthy Conductor
Jean Alexander Costume Designer Dance of the Earth
Ian Bell Costume Designer
Kenneth Rowell Costume Designer Romantic Suite
Constance Boynton Costume Maker
F E Cumisky Costume Maker
Grock Costume Maker
A Monahan Costume Maker
Poxon Costume Maker
Elizabeth Rosenblum Costume Maker
M Wynd Costume Maker
Joyce Graeme Dance Director
Blackburn Dancer
Ronald Bruce Dancer
Buckley Dancer
Marylin Burr Dancer
Colleen Campbell Dancer
Max Collis Dancer
Marie Cumisky Dancer
Betty Dickinson Dancer
Joyce Graeme Dancer
Brenda Hamlyn Dancer
William Harvey Dancer
Henry Dancer
Barrie Irwin Dancer
Katherine Lamb Dancer
Alison Lee Dancer
John Manuel Dancer
G May Dancer
Des Meyers Dancer
Bruce Morrow Dancer
Robin Munro Dancer
Margaret Munson Dancer
Ronald Reay Dancer
Rex Reid Dancer
Margaret Scott Dancer
Selman Dancer
Lesley Sexton Dancer
Lorna Smart Dancer
Jennifer Stielow Dancer
Eileen Tasker Dancer
Marion Ward Dancer
June Wood Dancer
Frank Kane Designer Dance of the Earth
John Russell Lighting Designer
Val Fawcett Musician: Pianist
Eunice Garland Musician: Pianist
Peter Andry Orchestrator
Val Fawcett Orchestrator
James Penberthy Orchestrator
Frank Kane Scenic Artist
Kenneth Rowell Set Designer romantic Suite
Elizabeth Rosenblum Stage Manager
Constance Boynton Wardrobe Master/Mistress
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Book National Treasure
Programme University of Adelaide Library Special Collections
Event Identifier 156535