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Event Otello
Venue Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA
First Date 25 October 2014
Last Date 1 November 2014
Dates Estimated No
Status Professional
World Premiere No
Description State Opera presents Otello, a co-production with Cape Town Opera, West Australian Opera, NBR New Zealand Opera, Opera Queensland and Victorian Opera.
Description Source Programme
Primary Genre Music Theatre
Secondary Genre Opera
Name Function Notes
Pelham Andrews Actor and Singer Lodovico
Catriona Barr Actor and Singer Emilia
Bradley Daley Actor and Singer Otello
Miriam Gordon-Stewart Actor and Singer Desdemona
Bernard Hull Actor and Singer Cassio
Douglas McNicol Actor and Singer Iago
Thomas Millhouse Actor and Singer Montano
Jeremy Tatchell Actor and Singer Herald
Jason Wasley Actor and Singer Roderigo
Sophie Edwards Assistant Stage Manager
Jess Nash Assistant Stage Manager
Chris Twyman Associate Lighting Designer
Rob MacPherson Choreographer Fight
Eleanor Blythman Chorus
Meran Bow Chorus
Michaela Burger Chorus
Catherine Campbell Chorus
Nicholas Cannon Chorus
David Cox Chorus
Peter Deane Chorus
Brenton Deed Chorus
Michael Denholm Chorus
Susan Ferguson Chorus
Desiree Frahn Chorus
Alexandra Gard Chorus
Daniel Goodburn Chorus
Brett Green Chorus
John Greene Chorus
Michelle Grootenboer Chorus
Monica Hanusiak-Klavins Chorus
Kristen Hardy Chorus
Naomi Hede Chorus
Norbert Hohl Chorus
Greg John Chorus
Deborah Johnson Chorus
Reece Keane Chorus
Rodney Kirk Chorus
Roslyn Lock Chorus
Gerard Masi Chorus
James Nicholson Chorus
Sarah Jane Pattichis Chorus
Evan Patton Chorus
Louisa Perfect Chorus
David Perry Chorus
Barbara Rennison Chorus
Joshua Rowe Chorus
Beau Sandford Chorus
Lynne Smythe Chorus
Valentyna Solowij Chorus
Jeremy Tatchell Chorus
Jenn Tranter Chorus
Andrew Turner Chorus
Hew Wagner Chorus
Craig Weatherill Chorus
Christopher Webb Chorus
Tim Wilson Chorus
David Barnard Chorus Master/Mistress Repetiteur
Giuseppe Verdi Composer
Brad Cohen Conductor
Michael Mitchell Costume Designer
Laura Hansford Deputy Stage Manager
Simon Phillips Director
Matthew Wild Director Revival
Nick Schlieper Lighting Designer
David McLean Production Manager
Angela De Palma Properties Master/Mistress
Marie Docking Properties Master/Mistress
Dale Ferguson Set Designer
Rebecca Gibbs Stage Manager
Dimitrios Frangoulis Supernumerary
Andrew Fraser Supernumerary
Andrew Georg
Text Nationality Italy
Production Nationality Australia
Event Status Completed
Data Source
Source Description
Programme University of Adelaide BSL Special Collections, Theatre Collecion
Event Identifier 144790