Event |
Shell Shocked Nightingales
Venue |
Carclew Ballroom, North Adelaide, SA |
Umbrella Event |
Australian Drama Festival |
First Date |
1981 |
Dates Estimated |
No |
Status |
Unknown |
World Premiere |
No |
Description |
A playreading presented by the Young Playwrights, the Association of Community Theatres, in the Carclew Ballroom. Shell Shocked Nightingales' first draft was written during ACT's Young Scriptwriters Workshop at Carclew. Since then Rachel Teesdale-Smith modified, developed and extended the ideas to arrive at this new draft. |
Description Source |
Article |
Primary Genre |
Theatre - Spoken Word
Secondary Genre |
Organisations |
Contributors |
Text Nationality |
Production Nationality |
Event Status |
Data Source |
Source |
Description |
Book |
Performing Arts Year Book of Australia 1981 |
Event Identifier
| 143441 |
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