Ms Hannah Roe

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Contributor Ms Hannah Roe
Gender Female
Nationality Australian
Functions Actor

Actor and Singer

Felix Allsop - Actor and Singer

Emma Anglesey - Actor and Singer

David Barclay - Actor and Singer

Shaun Brown - Actor and Singer

Alexandra Burgess - Actor and Singer

Caitlin Chessell - Deputy Stage Manager

Anthony Crowley - Director, Playwright

Loren Eckersley - Actor and Singer

Michelle France - Actor and Singer

Samantha Girvan - Deputy Stage Manager

Emily Goddard - Actor and Singer

Meredith Grey - Stage Manager

Sally Hitchcock - Production Manager

Richard Jeziorny - Designer

Darren Kowacki - Production Manager

David Lamb - Actor and Singer

Celeste Markwell - Actor and Singer

Andrew McDougall - Puppetry Consultant

Michael McNabb - Actor and Singer

Emma Newborn - Actor and Singer

Tristan Pierce - Actor and Singer

Felicity Steel - Fight Director/Fight Choreographer

Emmeli von Stjarnfeldjt - Actor and Singer

Tom Willis - Lighting Designer

St Martins Youth Arts Centre

Identifier 613483