Robert Hamwood

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Contributor Robert Hamwood
Gender Male
Functions Actor


Doug Anders - Actor

Graham Beeston - Actor

Lewis Carroll - Writer

Sue Carter - Actor

Richard Chiverrell - Actor

Jo Coffey - Actor

Max Cornwell - Actor

Clemence Dane - Adaptor

Rachel Darkin - Actor

Gretel Gehrmann - Actor

Tessa Jones - Actor

Jane Kershaw - Actor

Robbie Loughnan - Actor

Ron Marshall - Actor

Barbara McArthur - Actor

Margaret Moore - Actor

Elizabeth Nosworthy - Actor

Roslyn O'Sullivan - Actor

Margaret Parker - Actor

Harold Pinter - Playwright

Ann Robin - Actor

David Robin - Actor

Carmel Taylor - Actor

Alison Turner - Actor

Ron Verburgt - Actor

Jane Wilson - Actor

Inter-Varsity Drama Festival

The University of Queensland, Dramatic Society

Identifier 527572