Joyclynn Biner - Assistant Producer, Choreographer
Fay Charleston - Assistant Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, Wardrobe Master/Mistress
Helen Jones - Actor, Musical Director
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Rosemary Bishop - Programme Administrator/Researcher
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Yvonne Dive - Assistant Stage Manager
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Rob Ennis - Assistant Lighting Designer
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Don Gay - Lighting Designer, Producer, Set Designer
Maurice Heald - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Steven Margieson - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Rex Milton - Front of House, Publicist
Roger Morrison - Assistant Lighting Designer
Jim Muir - Front of House
Patricia Muir - Actor, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Publicist
Leith Peskett - Lighting Operator/Technician
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Royce Reid - Set and/or Property Maker
Ian Robb - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
Graham Rogers - Assistant Lighting Designer
Steve Smillie - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
Rex Smith - Set and/or Property Maker
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
- East Lynne, Civic Theatre, Burnie, TAS, 19 April 1983
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