George Petreav

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Contributor George Petreav
Gender Male
Functions Technician


Amanda Affleck - Properties Master/Mistress

Alan Brel - Actor

Colin Carr - Technician

Terrence Collins - Technician

Trevor Connell - Photographer

Arthur Dicks - Designer

Vanessa Downing - Actor

Andrew Dungan - Actor

Ben Gabriel - Actor

Laura Gabriel - Actor

Tony Ingersent - Actor

Peter Kingston - Assistant to the Director

Rae Kissick - Costume Co-ordinator

Peter Lennon - Technician

Rhys McConnochie - Actor

Daniel Mitchell - Actor

Jennie Muir - Assistant to the Designer

Anthony Papp - Lighting Designer, Stage Manager

Therese Richards - Costume Co-ordinator

Garry Search - Technician

Mary-Lou Stewart - Actor

Steven Sturgess - Assistant Stage Manager

Brandon Thomas - Playwright

Doreen Warburton - Director

Jennifer West - Actor

Richard Wilkinson - Front of House

Ian Young-Landel - Sound Designer

Australia Council for the Arts

New South Wales Government

Orange City Council

Penrith City Council

Q Theatre Company

Identifier 507718