Barbara MacMullin

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Contributor Barbara MacMullin
Gender Female
Functions Wardrobe Dresser

Wardrobe Dresser

Joan Criddle - Properties Mistress

Robert Deathridge - Lighting Designer

Joan Dolman - Properties Mistress

Theresa Dolman - Catering Assistant

Fran Edwards - Actor and Singer

Trish Ellbourne - Actor and Singer

Sandra Elliot - Actor and Singer

Rob Green - Musician: Drummer

Tracey Gulliford - Stage Manager

Vaughan Harmer - Actor and Singer

Rodney Hutton - Actor and Singer

Deborah Johnson - Actor and Singer

Kelli Jones - Actor and Singer

Alan King - Actor and Singer

Tessa King - Actor and Singer

Phil Lamb - Actor and Singer

Lesley Main - Actor and Singer

Chick Martin - Actor and Singer

Mark Milligan - Actor and Singer

Kerry Mills - Actor and Singer

Beverly Moon - Actor and Singer

Margaret Moore - Assistant Producer

Tony Moore - Choreographer, Director, Set Designer

Neville Phillis - Actor and Singer

Margaret Platt - Art Finisher

Lyn Pole - Actor and Singer

Michael Pole - Assistant Director, MC, Musical Director, Musician: Pianist

Monica Pole - Actor and Singer

Dudley Ross - Front of House

Kerri Seager - Actor and Singer

Alan Taylor - Actor and Singer

Lynda Taylor - Actor and Singer

Glenn Vallen - Actor and Singer

Frances Wauchope - Actor and Singer

Joanna Webb - Actor and Singer

Northern Light Theatre Company

Identifier 563345