Kate Dixon-Caire

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Contributor Kate Dixon-Caire
Gender Female
Nationality Australian
Functions Actor


Rhys Anderson - Designer, Front of House

Keith Bates - Director

Jason Best - Actor

Matthew Bird - Assistant Stage Manager

Maddy Bowers - Actor

Joshua Cashion - Set and/or Property Maker

James Cole - Projectionist

Halley Durrant - Actor

Winnie Egg - Costume Maker

Kate Fuller - Actor

Jared Goldsmith - Properties Officer

Mark Hardinge - Front of House

Anita Houghton - Actor, Costume Designer, Costume Maker

Sarah-Jayne Howard - Assistant Stage Manager, Front of House

Linton Hutchinson-Kern - Lighting Designer, Lighting Operator/Technician, Rigger, Sound Designer

Courtney Jackson - Actor

Nathan Jennings - Set and/or Property Maker

Constanza Jimenez - Actor

Brad Kannegeisser - Actor, Rigger

Thomas Lawton - Lighting Operator/Technician

Jared Lillehagen - Actor

Campbell McKenzie - Actor

Caitlyn Menzie - Actor, Costume Maker

Thomas Middleton - Playwright

Samuel Parsons - Musical Advisor

George Porihis - Actor

Sandi Rapson - Choreographer

Paul Reid - Set and/or Property Maker

Amanda Rhodes - Actor

William Rowley - Playwright

Marcus Ryan - Actor, Rigger

James Staite - Follow Spot Operator

Emily Ward - Front of House

Aron Webb - Stage Manager

Rosny College

Identifier 562447