Azumi Lehmann

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Contributor Azumi Lehmann
Functions Musician: Harpist

Musician: Harpist

Rachel Easton - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014
  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Roger Woodward - Musician: Pianist

John Adam - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Alan Alderson - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Claudia Anderson - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Rob Baker - Electrician

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

David Barmby - Singer: Counter Tenor

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Matt Barnes - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Edmund Bastian - Musician: Bass

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Bianca Baykara - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Novy Bereber - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Diane Berger - Musician: Flautist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Brett Berthold - Musician: Bass

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Virginia Blunt - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nicholas Bochner - Musician: Cellist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Clif Bothwell - Technical Director

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Bourian Boubbov - Musician: Hornist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Anne Boyd - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Mark Bruwel - Musician: Oboist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Graham Buck - Follow Spot Operator

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Alexander Budd - Producer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Huy-Nguyen Bui - Concert Master

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jason Bunting - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lara Burke - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Iggy Cabral - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Rob Canning - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Anne Carroll - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Catherine Casey - Chaperone

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Peter Casey - Musical Director

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Will Centurion - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nicholas Chan - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Victoria Chatterley - Musician: Hornist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Joshua Clarke - Musician: Trumpeter

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

John Coleman - Musician: Percussionist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Virginia Comerford - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Bree Connor - Stage Manager

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Leonard Cornelius - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jade Hui-Wen Coutts - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Brodi Cubillo - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Pheonix Cubillo - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

James Dillon - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

David Dixon - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Rohan Dodd - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Teresa Duddy - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Thomas Dundas - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Alexei Dupressoir - Musician: Clarinetist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Layla D’Anella - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Claire Edwardes - Musician: Percussionist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Simone Edwards - Wardrobe Supervisor/Coordinator/Head

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Pierre Emery - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Vivienne Emsworth - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Elle Evangelista - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Brian Evans - Musician: Trumpeter

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Douglas Eyre - Musician: Bassoonist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

William Farmer - Musician: Trombonist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Brett Favell - Musician: Trombonist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ellysa Feliciano - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Emma Feliciano - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Richard Fenton - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Carla Ferrari - Properties Officer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Carolyn Ferrie - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Mark Fitzpatrick - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Gregory Ford - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ewan Foster - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Derek Free - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Chris Fung - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Kathleen Gallagher - Musician: Flautist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Kiana Gallop-Angeles - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Geoff Gartner - Musician: Cellist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Tony Gault - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Santina Maria Gella - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Melinda Giardini - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Richard Gleeson - Musician: Percussionist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Trystan Go - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Mariah Gonzalez - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Will Gregory - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Colin Grisdale - Musician: Trumpeter

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Monica Grossman - Musician: Violinist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Jennifer Hall - Wardrobe Supervisor/Coordinator/Head

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Louise Hall - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nina Hamamdjian - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Oscar Hammerstein - Book and Lyrics Librettist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Cathy Haque - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Justine Haselton - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Bruce Hellmers - Musician: Trumpeter

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Damian Hempstead - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jim Henry - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Andrew Hines - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Matthew Hoare - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Amanda Hollins - Musician: Flautist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Teije Hylkema - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Margaret Iddison - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Erin James - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Stephen Jaques - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Emma Jarman - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Peter Jenkin - Musician: Clarinetist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

David Jennings - Wigs, Hair and Make-up Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Patrick Jeremy - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Adrian Keating - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Drew Kenneady - Wigs, Hair and Make-up Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Susan Kikuchi - Choreographer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Roger Kirk - Costume Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Mark Knoop - Musician: Pianist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Darren Kowacki - Stage Manager

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Magdalena Kruszynska - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Marek Kruszynski - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Tom Lambert - Company Manager

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Bianca Lee - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nigel Levings - Lighting Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

John Lewis - Musician: Clarinetist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Adrian Li Donni - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Leah Lim - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Angela Lindsay - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jenny Liu - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Christopher Lockhart-Smith - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Chloe Lyneham - Musician: Violinist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Seraph Apollo Maena - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Andrew Malec - Musician: Oboist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Gergely Malyusz - Musician: Hornist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Julia Manias - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Callum Mansfield - Director

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Paul Marrollo - Company Manager

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Luke McAvenna - Musician: Percussionist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Conall McClure - Musician: Oboist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lisa McCowage - Musician: Clarinetist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lisa McCune - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Neil McGarry - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Anna McGrath - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Marshall McGuire - Musician: Harpist

Thomas Meadowcroft - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Andrew Meisel - Musician: Bass

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Eszter Mikes-Liu - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Samantha Moey - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Natalie Moir - Stage Manager

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Seann Miley Moore - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Amanda Murphy - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Airena Nakamura - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ursula Nelius - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Matthew Nguyen - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Joann Nhung-Fetner - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lisa Nihill - Musician: Violinist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

William Oakley - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Matthew Ockenden - Musician: Bassoonist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jaye Ottens - Follow Spot Operator

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Cloda O’Loughlin - Follow Spot Operator

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Erika Palma - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Benjamin Park - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Samuel Park - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Alexis Pedraza-Sampang - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Hayanah Pickering - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Samuel Podjarski - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Andrew Poppleton - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Daryl Pratt - Director

Elizabeth Pring - Musician: Flautist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Sean Prior - Flyman

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Pablo Puig - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ethan Puse - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Kayla Puse - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Naomi Radom - Musician: Violinist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Christopher Renshaw - Director

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Teddy Tahu Rhodes - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Marty Rhone - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Damien Ricketson - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Marcus Rivera - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jerome Robbins - Choreographer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lynette Robertson - Wardrobe Maintenance

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Richard Rodgers - Composer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Daniel Rosenbaum - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jane Rosenson - Musician: Harpist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Craig Ross - Musician: Trumpeter

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Richard Rourke - Musician: Clarinetist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Michelle Rozario - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Neil Rutherford - Director

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Justin Sacco - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Christian Savos - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ariya Sawadivong - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Matthew Schlomowitz - Composer

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Robert Sek - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Veronique Serret - Musician: Violinist

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Victor Siharath - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jaya Soewito-Martin - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nicholas Sopelario - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Aleisha Stephens - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ian Stevens - Lighting Operator/Technician

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Adrian Storey - Producer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jane Strut - Wardrobe Maintenance

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Emilie Sturgeon - Lighting Operator/Technician

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Indra Suardana - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Joel Supnet - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jonathan Supnet - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Kayla Ta - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jaroslaw "Jarek" Talar - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Caitlyn Tan - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Solomon Tan - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Jennifer Taylor - Musician: Violinist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Ethan Thadanabath - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Skye Thadanabath - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Archie Thompson - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Brian Thomson - Set Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Matthew Tighe - Musician: Oboist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Paul Tilley - Sound Operator/Engineer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Owen Torr - Musician: Harpist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Shaun Trubiano - Musician: Percussionist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Val Turner - Dresser

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Catalin Ungureanu - Concert Master

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Charles Upton - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Henry Urbanavicius - Musician: Cellist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Gregory van der Struik - Musician: Trombonist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Sabrina Vo - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Saffron Vo - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Nicholas Wagstaff - Electrician

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Sean Waite - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Michael Waters - Sound Designer

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Allan Watson - Musician: Percussionist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Marilyn Wilson - Musician: Violist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Philip Wilson - Musician: Hornist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

David Worthy - Mechanist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Lisa Wynne-Allen - Musician: Hornist

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Yong Ying - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Shu-Cheen Yu - Actor

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Samantha Zhang - Chorus

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Elizabeth Williams

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

John Frost

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014


  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Opera Australia

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014

Sydney Spring International Festival of New Music

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Sydney Spring International New Music Festival

The Spring Ensemble

  • Spring Ensemble, Eugene Goosens Hall, ABC Ultimo Centre, Ultimo, NSW, 20 September 1997

Two Left Feet Productions

  • The King and I, Joan Sutherland Theatre (Sydney Opera House), Sydney, NSW, 7 September 2014
Identifier 558754