Elizabeth McCall

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Contributor Elizabeth McCall
Gender Female
Functions Chorus, Composer



Catherine Campbell - Actor and Singer, Chorus

James Moffatt - Chorus

Meran Bow - Chorus

Susan Ferguson - Chorus

Adam Goodburn - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Daniel Goodburn - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Greg John - Chorus

Rodney Kirk - Chorus

Roslyn Lock - Chorus

Katrina MacKenzie - Chorus

Callum McGing - Chorus

James Nicholson - Chorus

Brock Roberts - Assistant Designer, Chorus

Alexander Roose - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Andrew Turner - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Christopher Webb - Chorus

Pelham Andrews - Actor and Singer

Matthew Byrne - Chorus

Deborah Caddy - Chorus

Nicholas Cannon - Actor and Singer, Associate Director, Chorus

David Cox - Chorus

Peter Deane - Chorus

Jiacheng Ding - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Christian Evans - Chorus

Laura Feier - Chorus

Desiree Frahn - Actor and Singer

Jared Frost - Chorus

Bethany Hill - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Norbert Hohl - Chorus

Macintyre Howie-Reeves - Chorus

Deborah Johnson - Chorus

Victoria Kakoulis - Chorus

Reece Keane - Chorus

Nicholas Lock - Chorus

Stuart Maunder - Director

Rachel McCall - Chorus

Douglas McNicol - Actor and Singer

Mark Oates - Chorus

Martin Penhale - Chorus

David Perry - Chorus

Barbara Rennison - Chorus

Joshua Rowe - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Alexandra Scott - Chorus

Vanessa Shirley - Chorus

Jeremy Tatchell - Actor and Singer

Jenn Tranter - Chorus

David Visentin - Chorus

Kim Worley - Chorus

Dione Baker - Chorus

Alexandra Bollard - Chorus

Cherie Boogaart - Chorus

Eleanor Brasted - Chorus

Lisa Cannizzaro - Chorus

Victoria Coxhill - Chorus

Carolyn Crowley - Chorus

Samuel Dundas - Actor and Singer

Michelle Grootenboer - Chorus

Monica Hanusiak-Klavins - Chorus

Kristen Hardy - Chorus

Rosanne Hosking - Chorus

Charlotte Kelso - Chorus

Sara Lambert - Chorus

Fiona McArdle - Actor and Singer, Chorus

Giacomo Puccini - Composer

Danielle Ruggiero-Prior - Chorus

Lynne Smythe - Chorus

Tim Wilson - Chorus

Brooke Window - Chorus

Johanna Allen - Actor and Singer

Jim Atkins - Sound Designer

Tamsar Bellette - Chorus

Georges Bizet - Composer

Jonathan Bligh - Chorus

Karina Bligh - Chorus

John Bolton Wood - Actor and Singer

Nicholas Braithwaite - Conductor

Simon Bruckard - Conductor

Nate Bryant - Actor and Singer

Donn Byrnes - Lighting Designer

Marie Campbell - Chorus

Caitlin Cassidy - Actor and Singer

Kate Cherry - Director

Lily Coats - Chorus

Bradley Daley - Actor and Singer

Chris Davies - Chorus

Michael Denholm - Chorus

Tom Dubois - Chorus

James Egglestone - Actor and Singer

Robert England - Actor and Singer

Julian Ferraretto - Composer

Emily Gann - Producer

Kendall Geisler - Chorus

Giuseppe Giacosa - Librettist

Brett Green - Chorus

Eve Green - Actor and Singer

Oscar Hammerstein - Book and Lyrics Librettist

Lyn Harris - Chorus

Barbara Heidrich - Chorus

Erin Holmes - Chorus

Mariana Hong - Actor and Singer

Anthony Hunt - Chorus Master

Luigi Illica - Librettist

Peter Jackson - Actor and Singer

Simon Kenway - Chorus Master/Mistress

Wade Kernot - Actor and Singer

Hilary Kleinig - Composer

Iwona Koprowska - Chorus

Rosario La Spina - Actor and Singer

Kate Ladner - Actor and Singer

Branko Lovrinov - Chorus

Shane Lowrencev - Actor and Singer

Robert Macfarlane - Actor and Singer

Jessica Mills - Chorus

Ben Mingay - Actor and Singer

Phoebe Paine - Chorus

Bronwyn Palmer - Chorus

Blake Parham - Chorus

Evan Patton - Chorus

Morgan Pearse - Actor and Singer

Emma Pearson - Actor and Singer

Amelie Peters - Chorus

Chris Petridis - Lighting Designer

Graeme Pitt - Chorus

Benjamin Rasheed - Actor and Singer

Tobias Ringborg - Conductor

Richard Rodgers - Composer

Simone Romaniuk - Costume Designer, Set Designer

Suzanne Russell - Elder

Samuel Sakker - Actor and Singer

James Scott - Chorus

Lachlan Scott - Chorus

Matt Scott - Lighting Designer

Dimity Shepherd - Actor and Singer

Helen Sherman - Actor and Singer

Andrew Shore - Actor and Singer

Andrew Sinclair - Director

Christina Smith - Designer

Clara Solly-Slade - Assistant Director

Valentyna Solowij - Chorus

Lucy Stoddart - Chorus

Sean Tanner - Chorus

Kit Tonkin - Chorus

Anna Tsirigotis - Assistant Choreographer

Courtney Turner - Chorus

Oliver Von Dohnányi - Conductor

Hew Wagner - Actor and Singer

Ruby Washington - Chorus

Brett Weymark - Conductor

Angus Wood - Actor and Singer

Brooke Zabrowarny - Chorus

Cathy Zhang - Actor and Singer

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

State Opera Chorus

The State Opera of South Australia

Arts SA

Australia Council for the Arts

Anglicare SA

Australian Department for Social Services

Australian Government RISE Fund

Christies Beach High School

City of Onkaparinga

Communities for Children

Connecting Dots in Music

Country Arts South Australia

Hackham West Community Centre

James and Diana Ramsay Foundation

Lehrbuben Semi-Chorus

New Zealand Opera (1999-)

O'Sullivan Beach Children's Centre

Raising Literacy Australia

SA Department of Human Services

State Opera Children's Chorus

Taikurrendi Children's Centre

Wyatt Trust

Zephyr Quartet

Identifier 554269