Lee Conway

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Contributor Lee Conway
Gender Male
Functions Singer, Actor and Singer


Kamahl - Singer

Kirri Adams - Actor and Singer

Les Alberts - Electrician

David Bell - Assistant Set Designer

Geoffrey Bielefeld - Stage Director

Mike Bridges - Set Designer

Deanne Burns - Actor and Singer

Hugh Cornish - Musician: Pianist

Karen Crone - Actor and Singer

Danelle Denny - Actor and Singer

Slim Dusty - Singer

Margery Forde - Actor and Singer

David Gulpilil - Performer

Danae Harbottle - Actor and Singer

Colin Alistair Harper - Musical Director

Jamie Henson - Head Follow Spot Operator

Keely Hocking - Actor and Singer

Katy Hopkins - Actor and Singer

Rodney Horton - Actor and Singer

Ben Jansen - Head Mechanist

Ellen Kennedy - Stage Manager

Brenda Kristen - Actor and Singer

Bettina Lewers - Actor and Singer

Alison Lingard - Actor and Singer

Jackie Love - Actor and Singer

Joan McInnes - Actor and Singer

Graeme Page - Musician: Hornist

Ray Pierce - Set and/or Property Maker

Kristin Reuter - Assistant to the Designer

Rob Robertson - Lighting Designer

Keith Scott - Comedian

Donald Smith - Singer

Rodney Therkelsen - Head Electrician

Tommy Tycho - Musical Director

Susan Wilkinson - Actor and Singer

Channel 9

Identifier 542085