Margaret Hender

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Contributor Margaret Hender
Gender Female
Functions Musician, Sound Designer, Sound Operator/Engineer


Sound Designer

Sound Operator/Engineer

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Jack Fahey - Set and/or Property Maker

Adrian Graves - Production Manager

Phil Grummet - Make-up Artist

Bill Kay - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Manager

Anne O'Brien - Actor

Lindy Philpot - Costume Assistant, Scenic Artist

Jill Thomas - Graphic Designer, Various

Margaret Tudor - Costume Assistant, Wardrobe Master/Mistress

Lola Wilkins - Actor

John Arkinstall - Set and/or Property Maker

Madelaine Arnold - Costume Assistant

Rob Averay - Lighting Operator/Technician

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Jim Barbour - Set and/or Property Maker

Jack Beards - Set and/or Property Maker

Reg Bennett - Lighting Operator/Technician

Andrew Bleby - Scriptwriter

Bart Bother - Scriptwriter

Joan Boylan - Actor

John Bradson - Musician

Jill Brislan - Actor

Phillip Broderick - Scriptwriter

Rob Brookman - Scriptwriter

Christine Bryce - Actor

Daryl Bubner - Various

Keith Bull - Actor

Steve Byrne - Musician

Rob Carthew - Assistant Designer

Frank Caspers - Set Designer

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Peg Clapton - Actor

Dave Clark - Musician: Banjoist

Dave Clifford - Musician

Mark Conway - Scriptwriter

Kenneth Cook - Playwright

Greg Crane - Lighting Operator/Technician

Dave Cummings - Assistant Designer

Peter Dalwood - Assistant Director

Belinda Davey - Actor

Jim Davidson - Actor

Laurie Davies - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Angela Davis - Actor

Mick Davis - Stage Manager

John Dawes - Actor

Brian Dealey - Actor

Peter Deane - Musician

David Druce - Scenic Artist

Greer Druce - Set Designer

Graham Eimes - Magician

Dianne Emery - Costume Assistant

Dymphna Eszenyi - Actor

Peter Farrell - Set and/or Property Maker

Jane Finch - Actor

Dianne Fischer - Actor

Ken Fischer - Actor

Kent Fisk - Musician

Sarah Forbes - Mask Maker

Sally Fowler - Various

Oliver Frank - Photographer

Bob Fudge - Musician

Helen Fulcher - Actor

David Gold - Actor

Ian Gray - Actor

Sue Hackett - Musician

Dave Hall - Musician

Mark Hamilton - Publicist

John Hendry - Actor

Marion Hennessey - Actor

Bruce Hicks - Actor

Frank Hind - Actor

Leigh Hobba - Musician

Mark Holden - Actor

Alan Holy - Set and/or Property Maker

Jeanne Hurrell - Scriptwriter

Mike Jacobs - Scriptwriter

Warren Jarrett - Various

Helen Jasinski - Actor

Glen Jessop - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Sharon Johnson - Choreographer

Stan Johnston - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Nicholas Jose - Scriptwriter

Kathy Keech - Choreographer

Gabe Kelly - Actor

Jill Kennedy - Properties Master

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Robert Kimber - Director

Peter King - Actor

G Kirroff - Various

Maria Klimek - Actor

Brian Knott - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Penelope Leach - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Sally Lee - Assistant Designer

Valerie Levkowicz - Musician: Violinist

Janis Lindbergs - Actor

Leonard Lindon - Director

Jon Lister - Scriptwriter

Alexander Litt - Lighting Operator/Technician

Tim Lloyd - Actor

John Low - Musician

Chris Macalpin-Gunn - Costume Maker

Ian Macdonald - Musical Director

Ian S MacDonald - Musician

Rob Mara - Musician

Peter Marchant - Set and/or Property Maker

Peter Matech - Set and/or Property Maker

Peter Matej - Lighting Operator/Technician

Ian McDonald - Sound Operator/Engineer

Gavin McNeil - Set and/or Property Maker

Geoff Menz - Actor

Simon Moncrieff - Lighting Designer

Michael Moody - Actor

Liz Moran - Costume Assistant

Alan Moss - Musician: Guitarist

Peter Nankerville - Assistant Designer

Sue Neil - Stage Manager

John Nelson - Assistant Designer

Keith Norbury - Actor

Paul Nursey-Bray - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Rosemary Nursey-Bray - Director

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Rosemary O'Grady - Various

Justin O'Halloran - Lighting Operator/Technician

Andre Oosterbaan - Musical Director

Jill Pascoe - Actor

Robyn Pettigrew - Actor

Richard Potter - Scriptwriter

Caroline Powell - Costume Designer

Dianna Puckridge - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Naomi Ramsay - Actor

Elizabeth Raupach - Actor

Steve Reeves - Musician

Dave Robertson - Songwriter

Andre Roller - Actor

Magdalena Rowan - Scenic Artist

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Saxon Rudduck - Designer

Richard Satchell - Musician

Barbara Saunders - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Jo Scott Keen - Costume Assistant

Leigh Shalless - Musician

Andrea Sharp - Various

Alan Shepley - Actor

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - Playwright

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Tony Short - Production Manager

Bill Shoubridge - Scriptwriter

Angela Smith - Songwriter

Betty Smith - Costume Designer

Jenny Smith - Actor

Jane Southcott - Musician

Gail Speake - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Barb Spears - Musician: Flautist

Daryl Spencer - Actor

Janet Spooner - Actor

Christine Squirm - Mask Maker

Ceinwen Strathdee - Costume Assistant

James Stratmann - Assistant Designer

Chris Swaine - Scriptwriter

Greg Temple - Puppet Designer

Chris Tingley - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Greg Todd - Actor

John Trinder - Actor

Arwed Turon - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Jeremy Underhill - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Avis Urlwin - Front of House

Margaret Vinck - Properties Master

Peter Waddell - Actor

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Jeff Wait - Musician: Bassist

Geoff Wales - Actor

Rod Wallbridge - Photographer

Julie Wane - Various

Geoffrey Ward - Lighting Designer

Jack Ward - Set and/or Property Maker

Christine Westwood - Stage Manager

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974

Janet Wharldall - Assistant Designer

John White - Musician

Peter Wilkins - Actor

Jim Willis - Actor

Adelaide Fringe Festival

The Adelaide Festival of Arts

The University of Adelaide, Footlights Club

The University of Adelaide, Theatre Guild

  • The Rivals, Union Hall, Adelaide, SA, 18 July 1974
Identifier 434517