John McCallum

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Contributor John McCallum
Gender Male
Functions Actor, Musician



Judith Alexander - Stage Manager

Natalie Bate - Actor

Marilyn Buchanan-Murray - Actor

Andrew Carr - Actor

Brendan Cassidy - Actor

Ron Challinor - Actor

Simon Chilvers - Actor

Michael Cody - Actor

Judi Crane - Actor

Rodney Dixon-Wright - Actor

Keith Dobinson - Actor

David Downer - Actor

Mark Ferguson - Actor

James Foley - Actor

Kristian Fredrikson - Costume Designer, Set Designer

Noelann Gandon - Producer

Helen Gifford - Composer

William Gluth - Actor

David Goddard - Actor

Sandy Gore - Actor

Jennifer Hagan - Actor

Helen Hassell - Musician

John Hassell - Musician

Edwin Hodgeman - Actor

Norman Hodges - Actor

Bill Jeffrey - Assistant Stage Manager

Gladys Jennings - Costume Co-ordinator

Richard Johnstone - Lighting Operator/Technician

Jill Leonard - Actor

Jamieson Lewis - Lighting Designer

Trevor McCosker - Actor

Barry McKimm - Musician

Lester Morris - Actor

Brenton Mouy - Musician: Percussionist

Martin Mowlan - Actor

David Murray - Actor

Vivienne Nicholl - Musical Director

Rob Nicholls - Lighting Designer

Warwick Page - Actor

Anne Pendlebury - Actor

Malcolm Phillips - Actor

Geraldine Plumb - Assistant Stage Manager

Bruce Pollack - Fight Director

Robin Ramsay - Actor

Robert Randall - Actor

Marie Redshaw - Actor

Wendy Robertson - Choreographer

Peter Roehlen - Production Manager

Lyndel Rowe - Actor

Barbara Sambell - Singer: Soprano

Saviour Sammat - Actor

John Seal - Musician: Percussionist

William Shakespeare - Playwright

Michael Sommerville - Actor

Penelope Stewart - Actor

John Sumner - Director

Peter Thorburn - Actor

Yoshi Tosa - Set Designer

May Turner - Actor

Barbara Vernon - Playwright

William Winspear - Stage Manager

Australia Council for the Arts

Independent Theatre For Children

Melbourne City Council

Melbourne Theatre Company

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

The Independent Theatre Ltd

The University of Melbourne

The Victorian Ministry for the Arts

Identifier 430476