Gordon Tett

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Contributor Gordon Tett
Gender Male
Functions Actor
  • Fortune and Men's Eyes, Anzac House Auditorium, Sydney, NSW, 12 September 1969
  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968
  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964


  • Fortune and Men's Eyes, Anzac House Auditorium, Sydney, NSW, 12 September 1969
  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968
  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Alexander Archdale - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Geoffrey Baelshaw - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Anne Baxter - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Candy Beaumont - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Desmond Bellamy - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

David Bermingham - Stage Manager

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Alison Bird - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Jolyon Bromley - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

June Campbell - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Barbara Campbell-Judge - Properties Master/Mistress

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

John Champ - Composer

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Carla Cristan - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Max Cullen - Director

Elaine Cusick - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Keith Davies - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Gary Day - Actor

William de Goode - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Richard Doggett - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Darcy Dugan - Actor

Dorothy Dunckley - Make-up Artist

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Tommy Dysart - Actor

Peta Elmes - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Reg Evans - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Doris Fitton - Artistic Director

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Kristian Fredrikson - Designer

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Mabel Gallichan - Administrator

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Kevin Garty - Actor

Vincent Gil - Actor

Lesley Gluyas - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Gary Gray - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Margaret Green - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Shaun Gurton - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Sussan Haworth - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

John Herbert - Playwright

Quentin Hole - Designer

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Alan James - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Robin Lovejoy - Producer

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Brendon Lunney - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Archibald MacLeish - Playwright

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Yvonne Mathew - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Frances McDonald - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Sally McIntosh - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Sandra McKenzie - Composer

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Mary Meares - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Kevin Miles - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Geoffrey Milne - Electrician

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Joy Mitchell - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Terry Moss - Musical Arranger

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Jeremy Muir-Smith - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Leslie Oldmeadow - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Edmund Pegge - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

James Quinn - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Ivan Ratcliffe - Mechanist

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Malcolm Robertson - Director

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

John Roddick - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Peter Saxon - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Jan Schnider - Costume Designer

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Sean Scully - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

William Shakespeare - Playwright

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Martin Shanahan - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

John Skinner - Lighting Designer

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Jill Sorensen - Assistant Stage Manager

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

David Spurling - Actor

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Robert Staas - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Peter Summerton - Associate Director

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Carole Taylor - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Leonard Teale - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Caroline Terry - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Ron Tunstall - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

John Unicomb - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Felicia Ward - Wardrobe Master/Mistress

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

John Whitham - Stage Director

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Joan Winchester - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Olga Yarad - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Vola Young - Actor

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

Jack Quinlin Productions

Melbourne City Council

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

Melbourne Theatre Company

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968

The Independent Theatre

  • J.B., Independent Theatre (1939-1977), North Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1964

The University of Melbourne

  • Twelfth Night, University of Melbourne, Union Theatre, The University of Melbourne (Parkville), VIC, 18 March 1968
Identifier 429855