Elizabeth Dickinson

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Contributor Elizabeth Dickinson
Gender Female
Functions Actor


Marta Abba - Translator

Sunni Adams - Actor

Lee-Anne Allenby - Actor

Daniella Amodeo - Actor

Hollie Andrew - Actor

Pennly Attwood - Properties Master

Racquel Austin - Actor

Paul Azzopardi - Actor

Rae Bailey - Actor

Helen Barton - Actor

Joanna Batten - Actor

Diana Bleby - Assistant Musical Director

Tracey Booth - Actor

Cara Brown - Actor

Mary Buckskin - Actor

Renee Buckskin - Actor

Elena Carapetis - Actor

Alex Champion - Actor

Evonne Clark - Musician

Debbie Clarke - Actor

Lee Cook - Actor

Warwick Cooper - Director

Sam Cowles - Actor

Marisa Creazzo - Musician: Keyboardist

Dana Culshaw - Actor

Lynda Culshaw - Musician

Ann D'Angelo - Actor

Jacqui Dale - Scenic Artist

Damien Day - Actor

Angela De Palma - Actor

Roslyn Dent - Musical Supervisor

David Dryden - Actor

Avril Fennell - Actor

Luke Floreani - Actor

Karen Forbes - Actor

Ben Ford-Davies - Actor

Monique Fortanier - Actor

Olivia Galletta - Actor

Adrian Giglio - Actor

Adam Goodburn - Actor

Julie Goodburn - Actor

Katie Goodfellow - Actor

Tracy Grady - Actor

Kent Green - Actor

Rob Green - Musician: Drummer

Michael Griffiths - Actor

Jason Groves - Assistant Lighting Designer

Mary-Anne Haddad - Actor

Vicki Harris - Actor

Megan Hart - Actor

Alan Hayward - Actor

Gordon Heitmann - Actor

Anna Held - Actor

Christine Herd - Actor

Cathy Hill - Actor

Kate Hirst - Actor

Bernadette Hogan - Actor

Darren Hogarth - Actor

Jennifer Hughes-Lovell - Actor

Mandy Iannella - Actor

Rob Ilbery - Actor

Nicole Ireland - Actor

Andrea James - Actor

Darian Johns - Actor

Kelli Jones - Actor

Jilly Judges - Lighting Designer

Marta Kelly - Actor

Shivaun Kilbane - Actor

Martin Kirby - Actor

Ann Laing - Actor

Julie Letch - Actor

Michelle Lewis - Costume Designer

Vanessa Lloyd - Actor

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Composer

Ria Loof - Actor

Graham Lugsden - Actor

Sharon Marshall - Actor

Todd Martin - Musician

Max Mastrosavas - Coordinator

Julie McAllister - Actor

Joanne McCord - Actor

Emma McEwin - Actor

Carolyn McFarlane - Actor

Linda McNamara - Actor

Anna Maria Merola - Actor

Philippa Milroy - Director

Eugene Minge - Musician

Madeleine Misirdjieff - Assistant Director

Linda Mitton - Choreographer, Director

Paula Montroy - Actor

Annie Moore - Actor

Jenny Newton - Choreographer

Matt Noble - Actor

Dwina Noesbar - Actor

Heather North - Stage Manager

Joanne O'Callaghan - Actor

Stuart Ormond - Actor

John Owens - Musician: Bass

Emma Paginton - Actor

George Paralikas - Actor

Jayne Paramor - Singer

Phillip Parslow - Actor

Karen Paul - Actor

Anne-Marie Peard - Costume Co-ordinator

Kylie Pedler - Dancer

Luigi Pirandello - Playwright

Mike Pitman - Musical Director

Benjamin Rasheed - Actor

Andrew Reed - Actor

Sandra Reina - Actor

Chris Rektsinis - Actor

Liz Revesz - Director

Melissa Reynolds - Dancer

Seamas Rhind - Musical Director

Tim Rice - Book and Lyrics Librettist

Marcus Roberts - Actor

John Rosen - Actor

Kerry Ryan - Actor

Jenny Scarce-Tolley - Actor

Rebecca Schembri - Costume Designer

Basil Schild - Actor

Trent Schwarz - Actor

Paul Segneri - Actor

Andrew Shields - Director

Judy Shields - Costume Designer

David Sinclair - Actor

Simon Slade - Assistant Stage Manager

Matthew Smerdon - Actor

Judy Southam - Dancer

Kim Spargo - Actor

Paul Standingford - Actor

Chris Taylor - Actor

Don Taylor - Actor

Robyn Taylor - Actor

Lexie Thiele - Actor

Lisa Thompson - Actor

Amelia Tobin - Actor

Fran Tonkiss - Dramaturg/e

Barry Vallen - Musician: Guitarist

Alex Vogt - Actor

Lynn Wakefield - Musician

Daryl Wallace - Actor

Karen Walsh - Dancer

Drew Webb - Actor

Kelly Welker - Actor

Bianca Willems - Stage Manager

Craig Williams - Set Designer

Sacha Williams - Actor

Courtney Zimek - Actor

Centre for the Performing Arts

Channel 10

Mayfair Theatre Company

Identifier 422970